Thanks for the prayers

Thanks to all who prayed for my attendance at the Examinations for Discovery yesterday. I had been sternly instructed not to “engage” with my questioner – that’s lawyer-speak for argue.

My lawyer tells me I managed to confine myself to just a couple of “engagements”; if that is not a testimony to the power of prayer, I don’t know what is.

4 thoughts on “Thanks for the prayers

  1. Congratulations on your strength and resistance to baiting. I’ve been engaged in something similar (but only so far with threats of her husband coming over to “visit me”) with a nice “Christian Lady”. To me she doesn’t deserve either of those terms, thus the quotes. I have also abstained and let her have “the last word” (which she’s had about six times so far).

  2. You have been very much in my thoughts. I was wondering several times over the last couple of days how things have been going for you. May God be with you.

  3. The men of St. Hilda’s continue to lift you up, and we know the Holy Spirit is interceding to the Father right now, and He is in your corner.
    We pray His justice will prevail, and you will not be harmed.
    We pray for Mr. Bird, that he will receive the compassion of Christ, and he will abandon his efforts in this matter.
    The prayers that have risen up already for you, and those rising every day, are being stored by God, and they will be a mighty arsenal on that day Christ returns for the final judgement.

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