Swedish bishop wants to remove the cross from her church

As St. Paul noted in Gal 5:11, If I were no longer preaching salvation through the cross of Christ, no one would be offended; the last thing the church wants to do is offend anyone, particularly Muslims. Bishop Eva Brunne has the solution: remove the cross along with other Christian symbols from the Seamen’s Church in Stockholm.
Presumably, her next move will be to remove Christianity itself from the church; perhaps she has already done that.

Eva Brunne is the bishop of Stockholm in the Church of Sweden. Before deciding to remove the cross from the church, her main claim to notoriety was to be the first openly lesbian bishop of a mainstream church. It’s significant that such things tend to go together.

From here:

EvaBishop Eva Brunne wants to remove Christian symbols from the Seamen’s Church in Stockholm, and instead create a prayer room for Muslims, SVT reports.

The bishop wants to temporarily make the Seamen’s Church available to all, for example by marking the direction of Mecca and remove Christian symbols, which is already done in common prayer rooms at airports and in some hospital chapels.

“Leasing a room to people of other faiths, does not mean that we are not defenders of our own faith. Priests are called to proclaim Christ. We do that every day and in every meeting with people. But that does not mean that we are hostile toward people of other faiths, “writes Bishop Eva Brune at Stockholm municipality’s website.

11 thoughts on “Swedish bishop wants to remove the cross from her church

  1. Ya know, as a matter of interest, I personally know of one Anglican clergyman who administers the Mission To Seafarers. Time consuming work but for him a calling.
    He has never had in all the years attending to the Mission any comments from any and all who leave ‘the ship’ as to why it is a Christian based or sponsored venue. Not one negative…………mostly ‘thank you’s’ in all the years.
    This tone from the above mentioned clergy speaks volumes as to why Christianity is and will continue to fail. This apologetic tone is unacceptable to my mind. I don’t believe in ‘hitting people over the head’ by the way. Just state the case and ‘carry on’. Those at the receiving end of support so very far away from home are most appreciative.

    • Denominations come and go. There are historical periods and settings where conservative churches do well, and others where progressive churches do well.
      Christianity abides.

      • I don’t see that “progressive” denominations have done very well over the past fifty years in terms of attendance and influence since they departed from preaching essentially the same message as “conservative” denominations do now. What historical periods and settings are you referring to?

      • Yes ,but where conflicting perspectives arise only one can be right ,or else they may both be wrong . We are called to follow truth, God does not abide falsehood

  2. This ersatz bishop’s Bible probably has fallen apart after cutting out so many verses, ones such as;
    ” But God forbid that I should glory,[FOCUS, BOAST]. save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” (Gal. 6:14)

  3. “The direction of Mecca” is already very visible in Sweden.
    There should be no shortage of manpower to assist her Graceless in this graceless enterprise. Malmo comes to mind.
    Recommended viewing:
    ‘ISIS’ First Step: To Conquer Rome, Defeat Christianity’;
    and ‘The Speech The US Catholic Bishops Don’t Want You To See.’
    both at ‘Unity Coalition For Israel’; and at ‘Jihad Watch’, Robert Spencer.

  4. Sweden has a death wish. Future generations of Swedes will not forgive this one – and that will include a significant, progressive percentage of the growing Muslim minority, who came to live in Sweden, not Syria or Iraq. Removing a cross from a church in order not to offend Muslim migrants, only demonstrates how deeply this sickness has incubated. Sweden has the right to survive as a ethnic group and maintain its language, culture, with its millenium-old religion, just like any other nation in the Third or First World, which has the right to self determination. The Islamic colonisation of Europe in the 21st century is no more worthy than the European colonisation of Africa and Asia in the 18th-19th centuries.

    • Can we say that today’s Islamic colonisation of Europe seems to follow the example set by the European colonisation of Africa and Asia in the past?

      • You can say it, but I don’t think it’s accurate.
        Although there were abuses, the latter brought civilisation and the truth of Christianity. The former is bringing the destruction of civilisation and the lie of Islam.

  5. Sweden has a death wish. Future generations of Swedes will not forgive this one – and that will include a significant, progressive percentage of the growing Muslim minority, who came to live in Sweden, not Syria or Iraq. Removing a cross from a church in order not to offend Muslim migrants, only demonstrates how deeply this sickness has incubated.

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