Sizer’s Demise

Stephen Sizer is a Church of England evangelical, a member of Reform and a supporter of GAFCON. He also seems to hate Israel, a character flaw that has finally caught up with him: the Church of England has banned him from commenting on the Middle East and from using social media.

In 2009 he objected strenuously to my calling him barmy, a view of which I have yet to be disabused.

Here he is posing with his terrorist friend, Yasser Arafat:

Sizer Arafat

And here is the Bishop of Guildford attempting to repair the latest damage:

9 thoughts on “Sizer’s Demise

  1. Barmy was a very polite and understated adjective to describe this fatuous fellow. Your journalistic restraint impresses me. Perhaps we could expand your description to, “Tweetingly Barmy”. It was also a very polite way in which the dear Bishop canned this fellow’s barmy ecclesiastical derriere.

    • No he doesn’t: he’s a minister and a public person, so a) he has no right to hold opinions contrary to the Gospel, and b) he has no right to express views potentially detrimental to his or his church’s witness. Serving in the Gospel ministry is a privilege rather than a right, and entails a large degree of personal restraint and responsibility, which his adventures in race-baiting demonstrate that he lacks.

      • It is more than Sizer’s political views rather anti-semitism cloaked under “lets all get along” Christo philosophy. Deception & accomodation with the Fatah mafia and support of a Palestinian liberation theology. His pals include Lynn Hybels of Willow Creek, Haas Vice President of World Vision, and Sabeel all of whom ignore the inconvenient truths of the situation.
        I expect Sizer will crawl under a rock somewhere else.

  2. Sizer’s Replacement theology/geography with its widespread, accepted ‘Christian’ re-writing of the literal, historical-grammatical Biblical Narrative may have been put in cold storage;
    but his Collared voice still resonates in the streets of Kaunas (formerly the once thriving Yiddish-Hebrew Kovno +1941-1945 ), Lithuania this week (V. Efraim Zuroff, ‘Confronting Neo-Nazis In Lithuania’, Jerusalem Post, February 18/2015);
    and in the elected Neo-Nazi voices of the Hungarian and Ukrainian Parliaments;
    and in the revolting little ‘art’ display in equally impenitent Estonia;
    and that is just the ‘Christians’.
    Then there are that other WWII ‘auld alliance’ – the ISIL Islamo-Fascists (Hitler cum Husseini -Arafat’s beloved Uncle) also manifest in its Iranian “real and present danger”:
    against whom the false note from Washington went out yesterday, “We are not at war”.
    We have heard theses voices and these boots before. Not that long ago!

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