Scottish Episcopal Church considers change to Canon on Marriage

Following the Anglican Church of Canada and TEC’s prophetic lead, the Scottish Episcopal Church is to consider changing its marriage canon to included same-sex couples.

In this context, “prophetic” means abjectly striving to fit into a world to which, the Bible tells us, the church is not to be conformed.

From here:

The General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church has today voted to begin a process for change in relation to its Canon on Marriage. It has therefore instructed the Church’s Faith and Order Board to begin the two year process which may lead towards canonical change. That change would potentially allow the marriage of same gendered couples in Church in late 2017. The option which Synod voted for states

6 thoughts on “Scottish Episcopal Church considers change to Canon on Marriage

  1. “Great is thy power an’ great thy fame;
    Far known an’ noted is thy name……
    Thou travels far…
    Whyles, ranging like a roarin lion,
    For prey, all holes an’ corners trying;
    Whyles, on the strong-winged tempest flyin’,
    Tirlin (uncovering) the Kirks;
    Whyles, in the human bosom pryin,
    Unseen thou lurks.”

    ‘Address To The Deil’
    Robert Burns

  2. They’re still way behind the times. They need to get some transgendered wording in there or they are still squaresville. How about the marriage of a man and a woman where the woman self-identifies as a man and the man as a woman?

    And what about bi-sexuals. Do they not have the right to marry (at least) one person of each sex? Otherwise, their nature is being cruelly and unnaturally stifled.

  3. Maybe when the finish the changes they can celebrate by playing a song from the group “Queen” in which the now dead (from AIDS) Freddie Mercury sings “Another One Bites the Dust”.

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