Rowan Williams thinks British Christians are cry-babies

From here:

Lord Williams said religious believers should be wary of complaining about their treatment in the Western world, with those claiming they are “persecuted” making him “very uneasy”.

He added the level of “not being taken very seriously” or “being made fun of” in Britain and the United States is not comparable to the “murderous hostility” faced by others in different parts of the world.

Speaking at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, he urged those who complain of ill-treatment for their beliefs in Britain to “grow up”.

No-one cared much what Rowan Williams thought when he was Archbishop of Canterbury – actually, due to his tortuous, eyebrow-matching tangled communication abilities, most people didn’t know what he thought – so I doubt that anyone cares now that he isn’t.

Nevertheless, he will keep spouting pious aphorisms as if we do – care, that is.

Christians in Britain are being persecuted: they are losing their jobs, losing their businesses and losing their right to freedom of expression; because he was seen to represent Christendom, Lee Rigby lost his life. Sadly, the only thing that would make Rowan Williams side with British Christians is if he discovered that greedy bankers were, somehow, selectively making obscene profits from them – that would still be about the bankers rather than the Christians, of course.

Rowan also believes that Muslim women “assert themselves” by wearing a veil, that sharia law is a good idea and that playing at being a druid is a routine component of being an Anglican archbishop.

When I “grow up”, perhaps I will agree with him.

4 thoughts on “Rowan Williams thinks British Christians are cry-babies

  1. In watching countless interviews featuring R. Williams over the years, I have been repeatedly struck by what seems to have become an operating law among Anglican clerics. You could call it the Law of Inverted Averages.

    It goes like this: the more profundity they aim for; the more mystical and soft their voices (denoting deep insight); the more they use contemporary jargon (i.e. “constructed”, “passion”, “optics”) and the more enlightened they aim to appear, usually by dishing on their own church and race – the greater the superficiality, the more abundant the levels of moral childishness, and the higher the degree of simplistic cant evident in their worldview.

    It proves, as ever, the words of St. Paul the Apostle: “Professing themselves wise, they became fools.”

  2. And while he’s telling Western Christians to basically “harden up, Sunshine” ; he finds time to give interviews where “Dr Rowan Williams admits he regularly questioned whether he had let gay and lesbian people down during his time in post.” ( Too bad he never questioned whether he has let down the Christians in all regions of the world while worrying about the opinions of unrepentant sinners.

  3. Not sure if this is relevant; however, the statistics of homosexuality among the Anglican priesthood are obscured by clouds of incense…

    I heard Rowan Williams preach when he was bishop of Monmouth [yeah, that’s a few years ago] and my gaydar blew three electrical circuits during the first five minutes of his homily! That’s a record, it only blew two for Fred Hiltz…

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