Rowan Williams is baffled and angry at Israel

From here:

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said that despite believing Israel has a right to defend itself, he is “baffled and angry” at some of its methods.

Dr Rowan Williams spoke in conversation with Times editor James Harding in front of more than 200 people at a JC-sponsored event organised by the Board of Deputies on Wednesday.

Less than 15 minutes into the 90- minute discussion, Mr Harding asked Dr Williams to face the “elephant in the room” and reveal his views on Israel.

“The state of Israel is a legitimate state,” the archbishop said. “It has a right to exist and right to defend itself. The very fact that Israel makes so much of its status as a democratic state leaves me baffled and sometimes angry at what seems like collusion with unauthorised parties. I want to hear a legal defence of settlements and I am yet to hear it.

“Unless there is a way of representing the settlements as legitimate self-defence I remain very disturbed about that, along with many.”

Rowan would undoubtedly be much happier if Israel would engage Hamas – who don’t seem to make Rowan angry at all – in Indaba sessions, holy listening and telling stories; then, at least everyone would be baffled.

4 thoughts on “Rowan Williams is baffled and angry at Israel

  1. As I understand things, and please correct me if I am wrong, the settlements are all within the boarders of Isreal. Surely Isreal has the rite to develop its own land and countryside. But by Isreal developing these lands it becomes harder for the Muslims to take the same land away from Isreal.

    And just what “collusion with unauthorised parties” is the ABC referring to? If (and I mean a very big if) Isreal is “colluding” with anyone, than just who would grant the “authority” that the ABC seems to be looking for?

  2. “The state of Israel is a legitimate state,” the archbishop said. “It has a right to exist and right to defend itself.

    Oh well that’s jolly decent of him eh?

    Sorry David, may I cross-post…yet again….

  3. Pingback: Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams is baffled and angry at Israel | eChurch Christian Blog

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