Rev. James Ferry and Archbishop Terence Finlay kiss and make up

20 years ago Terence Finlay fired James Ferry because he had a homosexual lover. Now, they have reconciled – more because of a change of heart on the part of the archbishop than the priest, it seems.

All this goes to show how much has changed in the Anglican Church of Canada: today homosexual  priests are not only welcome, but they often seem to be preferred candidates for vacant positions. I am sure the ACoC views this as a necessary corrective: in actual fact it is more an act of obeisance to the Zeitgeist.

From here:

The two Toronto clergymen are by now so inextricably linked that they’re bound to appear prominently in each other’s obituaries. They know that.

But Terence Finlay and James Ferry do not want a confrontation 20 years ago — one that scandalized the traditional and appalled the progressive in the Anglican Church — to define them.

As of next Sunday, when they participate in a rare public service of personal reconciliation at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Finlay and Ferry hope the relationship will be known for more redeeming reasons.


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