Queer Evensong at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Winnipeg

The Queer Evensong is being organised by Pastor Theo Robinson, who is transgender and Rev Andrew Rampton, a homosexual.

During the COVID panic we were introduced to a new expression – which I rapidly came to loath – The New Normal. The New Normal for ACoC parishes is a Queer Evensong run by a transgender and a homosexual.

From here:

Creating a safe place to worship for LGBTTQ+ people is the goal of a service Sunday in downtown Winnipeg.

The service — possibly the first of its kind in the province — is being organized by Theo Robinson, a transgender male and regional pastor for the Interlake Shared Ministry, and Andrew Rampton, rector at Holy Trinity Anglican Church.

Queer Evensong starts at 5 p.m. at Holy Trinity (256 Smith St.).

Robinson serves churches in Selkirk, Teulon, Arborg, Lundar and Riverton through the ministry, which is operated jointly by the Anglican Diocese of Rupert’s Land and the Manitoba and Northwest Ontario Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. He came up with the idea because queer people often “don’t feel safe” in a church context.

For those of you whose wokeness remains unsated by a Queer Evensong, Holy Trinity is also offering “From the Religion of Whiteness to Religion Otherwise”, a balm to sooth the nerves of all who wallow in guilty whiteness. In case you didn’t know, whiteness is a religion:

This Newcombe Lecture (presented by the department of Religion and Culture at the University of Winnipeg) engages cultural theorist W.E.B. Du Bois’ idea that Whiteness (another word for which is “settlerism”) is a religion–indeed, that it is apocalyptic cosmology. Du Bois’ creative writing will be considered for the understanding it advances of Blackness as postapocalyptic poetic living–an alternate, even fugitive way of being with the earth that hosts new relationalities, new socialities after Whiteness, or religion otherwise.

Why, I wonder, is the Anglican Church of Canada headed for extinction by 2040? It’s a mystery.

4 thoughts on “Queer Evensong at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Winnipeg

  1. The church might well be named “Holy Trinity” but clearly they worship the “god of political expediency”. It is definitely NOT a Christian church and does NOT worship our Lord and Saviour. The clergy should be removed from office and that includes any so-called bishop that endorses such services.

  2. ‘”don’t feel safe” in a church context? Does not this contradict Holy Writ’s clear Notwithstanding Clause for all sinners, set down in + Acts 18:9.10 “I have much people in this city” (ie Corinthian sinners among whom, inter alia, were the homosexuals as set down iin + I Corinthians ch. 6)? This radical inversion of Scriptural Truth takes on the same radical inversion now operative in all fallen or falling Christian Churches de-constituting themselves by their Biblical Constitutions: CoE 39 Articles, CoS Westminster Standards, etc.

  3. I came across this on one of the language and literature sites I frequently visit. It’s not directly related to the subject above, but I thought your readers would find it pertinent to the various trendy shenanigans of modern Christendom:

    “I like Gurley. He don’t preach politics. I get enough of that through the week, and when I go to church, I like to hear the gospel.”

    – President Abraham Lincoln, on The Reverend Phineas Densmore Gurley of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington

  4. Holy Week 5783 + 2023
    + Palm Sunday April 2 + Easter Sunday April 9
    ‘The Royal Banners Forward Go’
    1. The Royal Banners forward go,
    The Cross shows forth Redemption’s flow.
    Where He, by Whom our flesh was made:
    Our ransom in His Flesh has paid.
    4. On Whose hard Arms, so widely flung, The weight of this world’s ransom hung, The price of humankind to pay, And spoil the Spoiler of his prey.
    5. O Tree of beauty, Tree most fair,
    Ordained those Holy Limbs to bear:
    Gone is Thy shame, each crimsoned bough,
    Proclaims The King of Glory now. Amen.
    The Reverend John Mason Neale (1818 + 1866)
    transl. Venantius Fortunatus (530 + 609)
    Tune: ‘Vexilla Regis Prodeunt’ ,ancient Plainsong.

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