Police seize pro-life posters in Calgary


The excuse seems to have been that the posters were “obscene”, a contention I find easy to believe; the problem is, the posters are considerably less obscene than the act they depict.

While on the subject of obscene images, in Canada it is illegal to sell a package of cigarettes that is not covered in images of equal aesthetic obscenity (even the Huffington Post thinks they’re horrifying) to those of gory aborted babies. This is done, apparently because the government of Canada wants to “horrify smokers into not smoking” and using gory photographs is a good way to do it; if children see them, so much the better.

When it comes to applying the same tactics to horrifying mothers and doctors into not aborting, the opposite rules seem to apply.

This must be because, on the scale of Canuck-confused societal evils, killing unborn babies is a mere peccadillo while smoking is the foremost scourge of our age.

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