9 thoughts on “Pet blessings in the Diocese of New Westminster

  1. The blessing of the animals on St. Francis of Assisi day is a long standing church tradition. Fair is fair – surely there are sillier things New West are doing you can post about.

  2. But surely it is speciesist to presume the dog is the recipient of the blessing? How long before a dog can be ordained, that is what we want to know!

  3. She was my prof for a course on philosophy at Newman Theological College in Edmonton a few years back. She gave me a rather severe comment on a paper in which I opined that Christianity represented the ultimate truth and that all other religions represented either sincere attempts to find that truth or equally sincere attempts to avoid it. She felt I was being hurtful to adherents of those other religions.
    She was then a priest in a small church in the Edmonton Diocese
    and I remember her telling me when she was transferring to New Westminstetr how happy she was to be going there.
    She is right where she should be.

    • I suppose that I don’t need to tell you John that there is only one true religion, and anything that pretends to be a religion is just that, a pretence. Frankly I don’t really get at all concerned that heathens feel hurt by this truth for sometimes the truth does hurt. So lets at least be honest and tell the truth. Juses is the ONLY way.

      • Actually, Chesterton makes the interesting point that all the others ARE religions, and Christianity is the only one that isn’t one. Or, if you like, if we call all the others religions, then Christianity must not be called one. It’s not even in the same category. Christianity is the Truth. It is Reality. It is not a religion.

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