Optimism descends upon the Diocese of Niagara

Not, needless to say, because they are bringing more people to Christ but because they have more money.

From here:

The past decade has not been an easy one for the diocese of Niagara. Beset by financial woes, theological divisions over the place of gays and lesbians in the church and a series of lawsuits from parishes that left the diocese to join the breakaway Anglican Network in Canada, diocesan leadership has faced challenging times.

But these days, its leaders are cautiously optimistic about the diocese’s future. For one, a settlement with the Anglican Network reached in 2012 has ended crippling lawsuits and left parish buildings from three breakaway churches in the hands of the diocese.

To clarify one point: “a series of lawsuits from parishes that left the diocese” should read “a series of lawsuits initiated by the diocese against parishes that left the diocese”.

8 thoughts on “Optimism descends upon the Diocese of Niagara

  1. Yes, indeed, Michael Bird and his apostate colleagues are more than pleased with themselves for legally stealing and/or evicting orthodox Christians from their buildings. This should be a clear sign and warning for ALL parishioners within the ACoC to cease any contribution for the buildings and/or maintenance. If the Dioceses are going to evict you – which they will do when you stand for the true Gospel – let them pay for ALL expenses relating to property. Clearly Michael Bird and his apostate colleagues have turned their back on the Gospel and have the audacity to congratulate themselves for their despicable actions.

    • I imagine that nobody does donate any more. You’d have to be blind and deaf, at least. But God is not mocked. The dishonest men who did this, and the crooked judges, are being held to account now, whatever lies they tell. And a thief always runs quickly through stolen money. It’s rather sad to see an institution founded for good purposes reach such a low of moral failure.

  2. It’s fascinating, isn’t it, that those not ashamed to sue are ashamed to admit that they did so. They know they did wrong; but rather than repent, they lie.

  3. “Lawsuits from parishes…” This statement is backwards and intentionally misleading. The lawsuits were from the Diocese against the parishes.

  4. That the lawsuits have been settled does not in any manner address the core financial problem, that being that they are spending money faster than they are getting it. A sure-fire recipe for bankruptcy.

  5. Unfortunately, the ACoC probably has enough increasingly vacant real estate to sell (Oakville? Guelph? etc?)to keep them afloat until long after the ‘leaders’ who are now skuttling the ship have outlived their salaries and pensions and passed on to their eternal destiny.

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