Onward Druid soldiers

From here:

The face of the military is changing.

What used to be seen as a bastion for evangelical Christianity is now expanding its lists of faiths to include Wiccans and Druids.

At the Air Force Academy in Colorado, a prayer circle and veritable Stonehenge on the Rockies will now serve as a place of worship for the academy’s neo-Pagans.

The Colorado school has long faced criticism for only supporting evangelical Christianity.

Lt Gen Michael Gould, the academy’s superintendent, said before a ribbon cutting ceremony on the site on Tuesday: ‘This outdoor worship space is something we have created to help people of all religions.’

According to the Colorado Springs Gazette, the academy is home to about ten cadets who regularly attend ‘earth-centred’ worship groups which include New Age religion, paganism, Wicca, druids and ancient Norse beliefs……

The Rev David Oringdreff, who heads a Wiccan congregation in Texas, offered prayers at Tuesday’s ceremony and said: ‘Nowhere except for the United States of America would this be possible.’

Rowan Williams has expressed no discomfort whatsoever over this.

4 thoughts on “Onward Druid soldiers

  1. You’re kind of behind the times. The Wiccan controversy at USAFA died down here about a year ago.

    Through our church we’ve gotten a little involved with a ministry called Cadets for Christ. Despite the criticism and that has been leveled against them and the persecution they’ve had to endure, Don and Anna Warrick are great people and have selflessly poured themsleves into the ministry for 30+ years. Their home is like grand central station several nights a week, and they do a great job with Christian teaching and discipling. We’ve met some great cadets, too.

    I have no comment on Rowan Williams.

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