Occupy the park next to St. James Cathedral, Toronto

Nothing to do with us says the Dean of the Cathedral. The fact that the Park is called St. James Park and we are called St. James Cathedral is mere coincidence:

For decades St. James Cathedral and the City of Toronto have worked together to provide the public space of St. James Park. It is a beautiful and appreciated urban oasis that blends seamlessly with the magnificence of the neo-gothic Cathedral which we cherish as evidence of God’s presence in the city.

One week ago, Occupy Toronto protesters chose the Park as their meeting place. Their movement is part of a worldwide response to increasing economic disparity. Protests are taking place all over the globe.

The Cathedral did not invite the protesters into the Park. The Cathedral is not involved in the protest. We have, however, treated the protesters in the way that our faith and sense of humanity directs: with respect and dignity. For over 200 years, St. James Cathedral has been a place where divergent opinions have come to be expressed in a safe and respectful environment.

We have asked that the protesters respect the members of the community who live and work in the area. The overwhelming response from the members of the community to the Cathedral’s position on this issue has been positive. They share, as do we, the protesters’ message of justice and equality.

We fully appreciate the frustration of some of the neighbours to the disruption. Their anger at the Church, however, is misplaced. We have no power to evict the protesters. We cannot speak for the City, but even if we did have that power, we would be very reluctant to invoke it. We believe that we are blessed to live in a society where peaceful conversation can take place publicly and where citizens are free to voice their concerns without fear of violence or reprisals.

The Very Reverend Douglas A. Stoute
Dean of Toronto & Rector of St James Cathedral

No doubt the very reverend Stoute will continue to share the protesters’ message of justice and equality if the squatters park themselves on his steps, blocking the entrance. Something to look forward to.


2 thoughts on “Occupy the park next to St. James Cathedral, Toronto

  1. I have been in that part of Toronto many times, and would not be surprised if many of the protestros were from the surrounding neighbourhoods. Church and Jarvis is one of the poorer areas of the city.

    I have to wonder if anyone from the Cathedral has invited any of the protestors to attand the Worship services?

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