Occupiers throw condoms at Catholic school girls

From here:

A group of Occupy Wall Street protesters disrupted a Right to Life rally and threw condoms on Catholic school girls inside the Rhode Island state capitol building.

Barth Bracy, executive director of Rhode Island Right to Life, said their rally had to be cut short after the Occupiers began screaming and refused to allow a Catholic priest to deliver a prayer.

“This is their idea of civil speech but we believe it’s an outrage,” Bracy told Fox News & Commentary “They started heckling, chanting and blowing whistles. They shouted down a priest.”

The modern condom was an invention of Julius Fromm, a Jew who lived in Germany. His invention was seized by the Nazis: you can read about it in the illuminating book, The Great Rubber Robbery: How Julius Fromm’s Condom Empire Fell to the Nazis.

There is nothing new under the sun: Nazis have once more seized condoms, this time to use as missiles aimed at Catholics trying to prevent the murdering of unborn babies.


3 thoughts on “Occupiers throw condoms at Catholic school girls

  1. So typical of the left wing extremists (and perhaps all extremists). Demand free speach when they want their message heard, but deny it to anyone else who has a message that they do not like.

    My message to them is this. Allow other to speak freely, or else I will not listen to anything that you want to say.

  2. The anti-lifers repeatedly say that if you don’t want an abortion don’t have one. Same goes the other way – if you don’t like our message than ignore it.

    • The behaviour here is different. The “occupiers” are not even giving the right to lifers the chance to speak their message! Therefore, people are not even being offered the “choice” to listen to the right to lifers. Ironic don’t you think? That they (the “occupiers”) insist on having their rights to speak and choose be protected, while at the same time taking away the very same rights from others!

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