Obama, Tucson and Sarah Palin

I thought Obama did a moderately creditable job in his Tucson memorial speech: he was suitably sentimental, moderately maudlin, appropriately apolitical and only partially pompous.

Nevertheless, with the cheering, clapping and sporadic booing, the whole thing had more the aura of circus than pensive pondering on mankind’s mortality.

It really was a political rally in disguise; it even had a gay hero.

Obama’s plea for a kinder, gentler political discourse – or as he would put it, a toned down rhetoric (how I hate that overused cliché) – is, of course, in vain. The left is so hormonally belligerent, it wouldn’t recognise gentility no matter what  teleprompter inspired dulcet tones Obama invoked to penetrate its malice in the hope of infusing sense into the dark colonic cavity that houses the left’s brain.

There is evidence of this on the following video – removed from youtube, but thoughtfully preserved by me for your edification – on how Sarah Palin is a latter-day impersonator of the Edenic serpent.

[flv:https://www.anglicansamizdat.net/wordpress/videos/TwitterPalin.flv 700 480]

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