5 thoughts on “N. T. Wright thinks Americans are obsessed with Hell

  1. N. T. Wright is so obviously fixated on belittling America and Americans.

    The kettle calling the pot black? You just pursue a different constituency than NT Wright. Frankly, I don’t blame either of you; there is much to belittle – and much to praise.

  2. What galls me about N. T. Wright is that he delivers his politically partisan opinions – which, no doubt, he is quite entitled to – with an air of authority that he obviously thinks his status as an eminent theologian naturally bestows upon them.

    In truth, when it comes to politics, he is just an amateur like the rest of us.

  3. Actually, when I think about the furore that arose in virtually every corner of the American evangelical blogoshpere (and many other places as well – including your blog) over Rob Bell’s recent book, I have to admit that NT Wright has a valid point. I hate to admit that I wasted far too much time reading comments and editorials myself concerning his book. I read Velvet Elvis a few years ago, but I probably won’t pick up Love Wins. I’ve seen a few NOOMA videos in churches as well (although they seem to have faded off the scene).

  4. I’m not sure why Bishop Wright feels the need to badmouth America, but it seems he is doing it more lately (or maybe we’re just more aware of it). He frankly seems to lean a little closer to social gospel liberalism each day.

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