My CBC tax dollars at work

In an idle moment this afternoon, I decided to listen to CBC Radio. Since I listened to a live stream on my iPod, the title of the music that was playing was blazoned across the screen: Fuck You by Cee-Lo Green. I have no idea who or what, Cee-Lo Green is, but I can only assume that this was his/her/its way of saying thanks for the tax dollars.

Still, my afternoon radio experience wasn’t a total loss: the news informed me that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has agreed to move his mosque in exchange for a promise from Rev. Terry Jones not to burn 200 Korans. Perhaps Rev. Jones isn’t such a loon after all.

11 thoughts on “My CBC tax dollars at work

  1. Seems like, according to various news sites, the Park 51 project has not been affected tho Rev Jones is supposed to be going to NYC Sat to discuss it.

  2. What is erroneous in the CBC story?

    Had you listened to all of that podcast I linked, you might have some other thoughts about what is going on.

  3. That’s not what I read in the story:

    The minister of a Florida church said he has cancelled plans to burn copies of the Qur’an because the person behind the effort to build an Islamic centre near Ground Zero has agreed to move its location.

    There’s a big difference between reporting something as fact and reporting what someone is claiming to be fact.

    The CBC story also says:

    However, CNN reached the developers of the mosque, who said it is definitely not being moved.

    Who’s not checking their facts?

    • “Who’s not checking their facts?”

      You tell me: what I was commenting on was a live radio news broadcast – rather obvious from my post, I’d have thought… although in retrospect, perhaps not from my comment to Maribeth.

      • Mea culpa. I wrongly assumed that CBC radio reports would line up with their online stories. I guess it isn’t possible to verify exactly what was said. Did the reporter say that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has agreed to move his mosque or that Terry Jones said that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has agreed to move his mosque? Easy to confuse, but very different messages. The online video clip I watched (which appears to be from earlier today) makes it very plain that Terry Jones is claiming that the mosque will be moved.

        • Did the reporter say that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has agreed to move his mosque or that Terry Jones said that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has agreed to move his mosque?

          The former from a news announcer; I think it was an early (this just in) version of the story before they had all the facts. The later written reports had the latter version, of course.

  4. According to the Imam who met with Jones- just now actually interviewed on MSNBC- he DID NOT make any promises regarding Park51 – only offered to broker a meeting with the New York Imam- tho he personally would prefer that the cultural centre be moved… He said that in the discussion, that the burning of the Quran and the site in NYC were never linked.
    The Imam in NYC never agreed to even entertain the possibility of moving the Park 51 site.
    The general consensus is that Jones, in an effort to save face for having to back down in the face of national demands from the president as well as personal, on the phone request from Gates, that he cancel the book burning, has done a ‘bait and switch’ so he can blame the whole thing on the Park 51 issue.
    Did any of you see the reports about how Jones was ousted from his church in Germany a couple of years ago over racial prejudice and gross spiritual abuse?
    His actions have been called ‘verbal terrorism’ and in my opinion, rightly so.
    Already his actions have created havoc in Afghanistan for US troops and whether or not we agree with their being there or not, surely we don’t think they deserve to die because of some idiot bigot in American who decides to act the fool.

    • I don’t think one buffoon in the US is going to make that much difference to how many US or Canadian soldiers are killed in Afghanistan.

      I see that Rauf is now making veiled threats that if his Park51/mosque/community centre/Sunday school is moved “The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack” which would be a danger to “our national security”.

      I find Rauf more sinister than Jones; at least Jones is transparently daft, whereas Rauf seems considerably more devious.

      • I don’t think one buffoon in the US is going to make that much difference to how many US or Canadian soldiers are killed in Afghanistan.

        But one Imam in New York can get a nation of 310 million in an uproar? (Plus a whole lot of people outside that nation.)

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