Muslim chaplain calls prison cuts a 'fatwa'

The federal government is cancelling the contracts of non-Christian chaplains at federal prisons. An imam, Zia Khan, doesn’t like this much; in fact, he dislikes it so much (nothing to do with the money, I’m sure) that he has declared it a fatwa against – he doesn’t actually say, but Islam, presumably.

The only problem is, ‘fatwa’ means ‘a ruling on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized authority.’ So by declaring this a fatwa, the imam is recognising at as a legitimate ruling of sharia law. Why is he complaining, then? He is complaining because he is using ‘fatwa’ in a more westernised colloquial sense of issuing a death sentence against someone.

Clearly, Zia Khan needs to go back to imam school for re-education – before he goes too far towards a wrong end.

From here:

Zia Khan is an imam and the director of the Centre for Islamic Development in Halifax.

He has visited about 70 inmates over the past two years; until the word came last week that their contracts will not be renewed.

“Last time we went, we said, ‘See you in the beginning of October,’ and all of a sudden, this fatwa, if you would call it, came down from the mountain,” he said.

“It’s an egregious violation of the charter, and I think people need to stand up and really say something because I think the country is starting towards a wrong end.”


8 thoughts on “Muslim chaplain calls prison cuts a 'fatwa'

  1. Whynot just cut the funding for all religions? That way there cannot be any accusations of religious discrimination.

    Although the unintended side effect would be that those who are there for the money would stop being there. That would leave only those who are there on a genuine mission of Godly ministry. Somehow I think that would be mostly (if not entirely) the orthadox/traditionalist/conservative (picka label) Christians continuing the work, and the revisionist/liberal ones not continuing.

  2. 70 visits in two years, yawn, that’s his prison ministy? At our expense of course. Will he go for free, doubt it. Fatwa, boy these folks have such a thin skin.

  3. Which explains why secularism is so daft. You have to work really hard to make yourself unable to tell the difference between funding Aztecs and funding a Church of England boys school.

  4. Bitches, imam zia is righteous man… Fatwa just means religious ruling (in arabic), the dictionary did not define correctly.

    Not everyone wants to be christian, so accept it. Christian missionaries always using most disgraceful tactics in the playbook..

    U dont have any morals to restrict only 1 religious counseling on the prisoners…

    Some people dont like the idea of having
    A god (jesus) who sacrifice HIMSELF to save the people from himself.

    God is the most powerful, if he wanted to forgive the people he is merciful.

    Christian take jesus as a god, they pray to him and they even pray to god through other humans (saints)

    That is excuse of idol worshippers.

    So do not criticize imam zia he is my man, he is revolutionary and he is the only one i know who offers free service and aid to the community, mah allah bless him.

    • God is everywhere at once. He sees the past, the present and the future at a single moment. He is in charge of the universe. He knows everything. He is all-powerful. He is free to do all His will. He is able to do all His will. He can do whatever He wills to do in His universe. Two thousand years ago He came in the person of Jesus Christ to be the Saviour of the world. Humans are free to accept or reject God’s plan of salvation. Humans are saved by the grace of God, not by good works.

  5. So, is he going to do his prison ministry as a volunteer or does he want to get paid?

    As for the rest of it, anyone bothering to respond to Muhammad222 please be polite. Thank you.

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