
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts-Schori was not allowed to wear her pointy hat when celebrating communion in Southwark Cathedral during her recent trip to Add an Imagethe UK. This, apparently, is because the Church of England does not allow women to be bishops. The reaction of Archbishop Jefferts-Schori was predictably humble and demure as she accepted the ruling from the Archbishop of Canterbury:

‘The Most Rev Katharine Jefferts Schori has described as “nonsense” and “bizarre” the edict from the Archbishop of Canterbury that forced her to hold her episcopal hat when she preached and presided at Holy Communion this week.’

I attended a press conference with  Bishop Jefferts-Schori when when she was in Canada for the ACoC general synod. When I asked her whether the spectacle of all the lawsuits that TEC is prosecuting furthers the desire of TEC to be a “missional” church, her response was measured, but in her demeanour, she bristled. She bristles well – even more so when she is mitreless.

6 thoughts on “Mitregate

  1. Pingback: There’s some good stuff out there today on the Interweb | eChurch Christian Blog

  2. Well, she is a bishop – in the USA. There are women presbyters in England, and she is a presbyter too.

    Her reaction, however, shows that it is really “all about her”. Just like Gene Robinson.

    • Sorry Kate, but Schori is not a Bishop. As per 1 Timothy 3 she, not being a man, cannot in the eyes of God be one of God’s Bishops. She is occupying the office of a Bishop. She may be dressing like one and pretending to do the things that a Bishop does. But the fact is that she is not a Bishop. No matter what earthly power has to say about it the Word of God speaks louder.

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