March for Life Canada Expects Biggest Turnout Ever

From here:

The organizer of Canada’s National March For Life, Campaign Life Coalition, is predicting that, with the help of a massive turnout from Ottawa area Catholic schools, 20,000 people will participate in this year’s annual pro-life march on May 13th, 2010……..

This year’s National March for Life theme is “Abortion – a Crime Against Humanity.” Events will begin on Wednesday, May 12, 2010, with the march beginning with a gathering on Parliament Hill at noon on Thursday, May 13, 2010, followed by the Youth Conference on Friday May 14.

But will the mainstream media notice?

5 thoughts on “March for Life Canada Expects Biggest Turnout Ever

  1. Living in eastern Ontario within a reasonable drive of Parliament Hill, and attending an Anglican parish, I asked whether I might put a reminder in our church bulletin regarding the upcoming March for Life in Ottawa. I am a fairly recent parish member, and did not grow up Anglican. I really could not imagine a Christian Church being pro-abortion, and so I assumed my parish would of course be supporting the March for Life. Time went by, and no one answered my request. I guess there were machinations behind the scenes, because my husband and I have been good supporters of the parish in many ways, and we can figure out that it was a calculated risk for the parish to answer us as they did. At last, we were told that the bulletin had no space available to mention the March for Life — so sorry. The March was still many Sundays away, how about the following week then? Nope. Never. When we picked up a copy the next time….plenty of space left, but then what did we expect? What a shoddy excuse. The parish is pro-abortion, plain and simple. We are shocked, to say the least. “Family-friendly” on the one hand, willing to support murder of the unborn on the other. How can they live with themselves?

  2. Jane, may I suggest you try an Anglican Network in Canada Church? I promise you none of them will be pro abortion. There’s one in Navan, two downtown, one in Barhaven, and one in Pembroke. The “find a church” link is here:

    If you come to St. Alban’s, please introduce yourself. I sing in the praise band at the nine am service.

  3. Jane,
    You already know in your heart that where you are is not your church home. You are about to embark on a wonderful pilgrimage of faith.
    Depend on my prayers for you on your journey.

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