Looking on the bright side of the U.S. military cuts

From here:

WASHINGTON — Lawmakers are lining up to decry an US Army plan to cut 40,000 and shrink the size of the force from 490,000 to 450,000 by 2018.


Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, called the Army’s plan a “dangerous consequence of budget-driven strategy.”

“With global instability only increasing, and with just 33 percent of the Army’s brigade combat teams ready for deployment and decisive operations, there is simply no strategic basis to cut Army force structure below the pre-9/11 level of 490,000,” McCain said.

The bright side is that, although 40,000 soldiers will be fired, none of them will be transsexuals, since the military is lifting the ban on them. So all will be well: the enemy will be laughing so hard, they’ll be much easier to shoot. And think of the financial savings in having shared toilets.

WASHINGTON — Pentagon leaders are finalizing plans aimed at lifting the ban on transgender individuals in the military, with the goal of formally ending one of the last gender- or sexuality-based barriers to military service, senior U.S. officials told The Associated Press.

One thought on “Looking on the bright side of the U.S. military cuts

  1. With his combined, relentless intent “to abolish the Roman forms of worship” (‘Historia Augusta’); undermine his Legions with a deplorable peace treaty with Parthia (parse here as of July 14, 2015, Iran);enforce both Judaism and Christianity into the ranks of his revived Baal worship with his multi-coloured proclivity for the gay occasion (fully redolent of a 21c Pride parade) with all of its “perverted ingenuity”, the Incumbent bears as strong a resemblance to the outrageous as dangerous self-styled ‘Heliogabalus’ (a.k.a Opellius Macrinus, 219 AD) whose best epitaph would be:
    “It is extraordinary how totally insignificant people are sometimes raised to the most exalted heights in time of alarm or emergency.”
    The Caesars, Might and Madness. Ivar Lissnar.

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