Linda Gibbons jailed again

From here:

At 11:02 Wednesday morning, Linda Gibbons sat uncomfortably, hands cuffed behind her back, in the rear seat of a Toronto Police squad car.

She was taken first to 53 Division, transferred to 55 Division where all women are held overnight pending their first court appearance, and is expected to be paraded for a show-cause hearing Thursday morning.

She is an unrepentant recidivist, a hopeless repeat offender.

She is a serious criminal.

Gibbons doesn’t count her arrests, but probably she’s been in the back seat of squad cars a couple of dozen times in the past two decades — and that’s including the five years she took off to care for her dying father.

She has spent an astonishing total of 10 years and seven months behind bars.

She has spent an astonishing total of 10 years and seven months behind bars.

I’ve written about people convicted of gun offences, serious drug offences, sex assault, drunk driving, child abuse and manslaughter who have done significantly less time.

Gibbons’ crime is worse.

She’s a veteran pro-life protester outside Toronto abortion clinics. She’s on the wrong side (the pro-life side) of the wrong issue (abortion) and yet she persists in trying to make her voice heard.

Before Linda Gibbons arrives at the abortion clinic, she knows she will be arrested yet she keeps doing it. I’m not sure it makes much difference to the blatantly evil absence of abortion restrictions in Canada, but it’s hard not to admire her tenacity.

Why does she keep doing it? Perhaps, to paraphrase Henry David Thoreau’s observation, because under a government which murders any unjustly, the true place for a just man is a prison.

11 thoughts on “Linda Gibbons jailed again

  1. In Linda Gibbons, we have a saint living amongst us. God will be her defender at the last judgement – the one that counts..

  2. Another “prisoner of conscience”, her faithful counterpart in jail in Kentucky for upholding the Biblical definition of marriage; and the bus driver in Calgary being
    dragooned into a public declaration in his place of employment of that to which he cannot support for Biblical reasons;
    as are the tens of thousands of Ontario parents who will not enroll their children in the public schools this fall due to the vile sex education program being imposed on them.

    “Eternal Spirit of the chainless mind,
    Brightest in dungeons, liberty, thou art,
    For thy habitation is the heart –
    the heart which love of Thee Alone can bind…
    Chillon! thy prison is a holy place,
    And thy sad floor an altar, – for ’twas trod…
    (to) appeal from tyranny to GOD!
    But this was for their Father’s faith
    I suffered chains and courted death;
    That father perished at the stake
    For tenets he would not forsake
    Dying as their Father died
    For the GOD their foes denied.”
    “Sonnet On Chillon”,
    George Gordon, Lord Byron, June,1816,
    of Huguenot, Francois Bonnivard,
    imprisoned six years in the dark depths of Chillon*
    (*also site, Montreux (Chillon located there), of the March 3, 2015, interim Iran genocidal nuclear negotiations conducted with the world’s
    leading tyranny and state sponsor of terror;
    + imprisoned Pastor, Saeed Abedini…….
    + March 3,3015, erev Purim,in its appeal against
    Iranian nuclear tyranny,
    Israel’s PM addressed US Congress)

      • It’s interesting that the media have suddenly developed such an interest in theology; anything to discredit Kim David, it seems.

        Even though her church has the nature of the Trinity wrong, it doesn’t change the fact that Kim Davis has been persecuted for her faith.

        • Perhaps not, but I believe that the divorces occurred before she became a Christian.

          Are you saying that someone who has sinned is not eligible to take a stand on any Christian principle? That would be something of a relief: all the clergy would have to keep their mouths shut.

          • Because of the doctrine of creation, the permanence of all marriages applies to all people regardless they are Christians or not. Otherwise, non-Christians may not take their marriages seriously.

            • I have forgotten to mention that many of my non-Christian friends oppose same-sex relationships. To stand up for traditional marriages and permanence in all marriages is not an exclusively Christian issue.

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