Lexical misgendering

The Oxford English Dictionary, having succumbed to contemporary gender voodoo, is including gender-neutral words in its latest edition.

You can now misgender someone and rest secure in the knowledge that you have not perpetrated a grammatical atrocity. In your gaol cell.

From here:

It’s a new issue that has proved a modern minefield – as the way we identify ourselves evolves and changes at a rapid rate.

But now The Oxford English Dictionary has introduced gender-neutral words to help us.

Editors said the latest additions were an ‘attempt to grapple’ with the sensitive topic.

These include ‘hir’ and zir’ as alternative pronouns to him, his or her, ‘peoplekind’ rather than mankind, and ‘Latin@’ as a gender-neutral term for someone of either sex from Latin America.

Meanwhile, the verb ‘misgender’ could apply to anyone who unwittingly or intentionally uses a pronoun that is not preferred by the person.

3 thoughts on “Lexical misgendering

  1. Dictionaries introduce new words all the time, which is of course what they’re supposed to do: reflect the reality of English usage.

    But what the OED is doing here goes beyond the bounds of that remit: it is not their job to grapple with sensitive topics. They are now engaged in propping up a trendy social-engineering agenda.

    Day in, day out, I NEVER hear anyone use either “hir” or “zir” in general conversation. And these are not highly specialized terms like “heterozygosis” or “potamology” which you would not expect to pop up routinely in the language; these are supposed to be personal pronouns like “you” and “they”, which are used over and over again, all the time, every day.

    By the way, the only person I ever heard use “peoplekind” was some absolute nincompoop rumoured to be “leading” our Federal government.

  2. ‘Dominus illuminatio mea’?
    (Oxford University’s motto, based on + Psalm 27 “The LORD is my Light…”.
    The descending Cultural Marxist darkness is also overshadowing the sister Cambridge University…Marxist redux, there.

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