LA Bishop refuses to block Glasspool’s election – does it really matter?

From here:

LA rebuffs Anglican conservatives.

The Bishop of Los Angeles has rejected the Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council’s call to block the election of a lesbian priest as suffragan bishop of the diocese.

For “more than the past 30 years” the Episcopal Church has been “working on gradual, full incorporation of gay and lesbian people,” the Rt. Rev J Jon Bruno said in a statement he entitled “Be Not Afraid,” released on Dec 18.

However, “we have worked to be people of gracious restraint for all these years and have now come to a place in our lives that is normal evolutionary change which compels us to move from tolerance to full inclusion,” he said, rejecting the Standing Committee’s call for “gracious restraint” following the election of Canon Mary Glasspool.

The idea of the liberal  TEC or ACoC exerting “gracious restraint” by not ordaining bishops who are practising homosexuals and not blessing the “marriage” of same-sex couples was a flawed concept from the beginning. The real problem is not that the provinces continue with the blessings and ordinations but that they believe they are the right thing to do: the ACoC and TEC wants to bless what God condemns. Restraint, gracious or otherwise is not the remedy; a change of heart – repentance – is.

The best solution would be to allow the liberal provinces to get on with acting on the light they believe they have received, allow conservative parishes along with their buildings to join the majority in the Anglican Communion, separate the two communions and see which side flourishes. If liberals are as deluded as conservatives think they are, it will all be over in 20 years.

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