KAIROS is promoting a “solidarity fast” with Theresa Spence

KAIROS, the hard-left communist wing of the Anglican Church of Canada, is suggesting a “solidarity fast” with Theresa Spence on January 11th.

KAIROS warns that only those whose health is up to it should follow Spence’s dietary regimen: those who tend towards corpulence should stick to their regular calorific intake to avoid weight gain.

From here:

On Friday, January 4, the Prime Minister announced that he would meet with First Nations leaders on January 11, the one month anniversary of Chief Theresa Spence’s fast to bring attention to the treaty relationship between First Nations and Canada. KAIROS welcomes this meeting as a response to the Chief’s call, and as she prepares for the meeting, we call on our network to join in a Solidarity Fast with Chief Spence on Friday, January 11.

2 thoughts on “KAIROS is promoting a “solidarity fast” with Theresa Spence

  1. I have zero use for KAIROS. I find most who subscribe to what they do and who they are fall into the “do as I say and not as I do” camp.

    The Lutherans in the Regina area have such a self-righteous type who serves as the local mouthpiece for KAIROS, a woman who loves tossing out clichés such as “ecological justice.” She yaps about global climate change yet will drive around in her car in a city that has a rather fine but underused public transportation system. She chooses to live in a city, which is the source of most of our pollution and social problems and not in an environmentally friendly and safe rural area. She loves “walking” with the poor as she worships in one of the most bourgeois Lutheran congregation in Canada, Christ Lutheran with snobby Luther College high school right across the street, a school known by those who have nothing to do with the place as the “rich kids” school. It is even Liberal MP Ralph Goodale’s home congregation. She has gone on “mission trips” probably paid for by others (which are nothing more than a type of voyeurism in my opinion). She has gone on church paid for courses in the USA such as the mission developers course, but has done nothing that I can see with the course. But she sure likes pointing out what others need to do and how they should change.

    Personally, I think it is impossible to be an “environmentalist” and live in a city. That is like claiming to be a veggan and working at an abattoir.

    Having a compost bin and using the blue recycling box does not make you an environmentalist any more than having a garden and mowing a lawn makes you a farmer

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