Justin Welby declares that gay marriage is great

Justin Welby, for reasons known only to himself, decided to be interviewed by PinkNews, a “gay news service”. What he said was revealing:

When asked if he had a ‘message’ for Britain’s LGBT community, Archbishop Welby told PinkNews.co.uk: “As you know I have said, and got a fair amount of flak for it within parts of the Church, we have to accept, and quite rightly, that the same-sex marriage act is law, and that it’s right and proper, it’s the law of the land, and that’s great.

This has prompted Lambeth Palace to call on its ready supply of advanced hermeneutics to obnubilate what Welby said in order rob it of its obvious meaning and render it harmless:

Lambeth Palace insisted that despite the initiative, the Archbishop remained opposed in principle to same-sex marriage and that he had been speaking about the right of Parliament to change the law when he used the word “great”.

No-one still in possession of his faculties could possibly believe Lambeth’s reinterpretation of what Webly plainly said, in spite of the fact that Lambeth’s theologians have been honing their obfuscatory skills on the Biblical texts for decades; so I’m quite certain Welby will be sent for clerical woolly-speak re-education when he returns home. And he won’t be let out again without his handlers.

3 thoughts on “Justin Welby declares that gay marriage is great

  1. He is afraid to call a spade a spade,it is true that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but nowhere does he say he wants us to stay where we were found or god forbid that we call on him to bless our sin.

  2. Just further proof that the appointment of the ABC should not require the approval of the civil government. Civil governments are not interested in supporting the Gospel but rather interested in keeping their position which means the worship of “political correctness” – a deceptive term in its own right.

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