Justin Welby criticizes Canada for over-ordering COVID vaccine

From here:

The Archbishop of Canterbury has criticised Canada for massively over-ordering supplies of coronavirus vaccine, hindering the rollout of jabs to the world’s poorest nations.

The Most Rev Justin Welby told Parliament the North American country had in the pipeline more than five times what it needed for its 38million citizens.

The government of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has reportedly secured 76million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and up to 56million of the recently-approved jab developed by US firm Moderna.

Meanwhile, here he is being injected with a COVID vaccine dose that he could have donated to someone in one of the world’s poorest nations:

15 thoughts on “Justin Welby criticizes Canada for over-ordering COVID vaccine

  1. Nice use of the word ‘pipeline’. Canada had other things in the pipeline too, didn’t we? I wonder what all the Trump-hating Canadians think now? Canada’s economy was on life support before, now Biden has pulled the plug.

  2. The Archbishop of Canterbury is right to criticize our government but his reasoning is wrong. The reason we should not have ordered so much vaccine is because they have not been sufficiently tested, especially for vaccines that are the first to experiment in bypassing the genetic code with modified RNA, an ethically dubious experiment, to say nothing of the ethically dubious use of stem cell research in preparing the vaccine, and the outright poisonous components such as polyethylene glycol. What he really should be condemning is the absurd panic generated over a virus which except for a demographic that has already exceeded the average life expectancy and even then only those among it with two or more serious health conditions, placing them on death’s door whatever way you cut it, has a 99.997% survival rate and which most often produces mild-to-no symptoms, the immoral government suspensions of basic rights and freedoms generated by that panic, and the ensuing rush to vaccinate people before the vaccines could possibly have been properly and fully tested.

    • I agree that it is concerning how rushed the vaccines were. I hope there’s no unexpected, negative side-effects in the long term. Regarding your statistic of a “99.997% survival rate”, I believe it is grossly understated. I have looked at reports from multiple countries and everywhere the case-fatality rate is much higher than that. Where did you get that figure from?

      • Note that I excluded part of the population from that survival rate. The words “except for a demographic that has already exceeded the average life expectancy and even then only those among it with two or more serious health conditions” mean that the survival rate applies only to everybody else, when this most-at-risk category is removed. The official survival and fatality rates that governments and the WHO report do not segregate the most-at-risk from the general population in this way, and so naturally the survival rate is lower and the fatality rate higher. My sources for the figure are Dr. Bruce Charlton, retired Visiting Professor of Theoretical Medicine at the University of Buckingham and statistician William M. Briggs. Admittedly, I went from my memory of their estimations, but if I misrepresented them it was by erring on the low side for the survival rate. In November, for example, Briggs made use of CDC figures to contrast for different age groups (under 1, 1-4, then age groups of ten year intervals up to 85 and older) the fatality rate from this disease compared with the fatality rate from other causes. He noted that for those under 35, the risk from COVID was “no higher than 0.0001%” and that for every age group, the risk from other factors is at least ten times higher.

  3. Rather than criticizing Canada the ABC should be denouncing those in the Anglican Communion who are leading their parishioners from worshipping the God of the Scriptures to worshipping “the god pf political expediency”.

  4. Almost 99.7 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported worldwide since the beginning of the pandemic. There is no end in sight. I know Christians are pilgrims on the way to their heavenly home. But, in the meantime, it is a challenging time for everybody in today’s environment. Life is not fair. Some countries have more resources to cope with the virus. Canada has a long way to go yet. We may not be able to vaccinate everybody before Christmas. Who knows? As of now, Israel is doing very well in its vaccination campaign.

  5. “overordering” and, as made public in the reconvened House of Commons on that memorable date now to go down in “infamy” with Pearl Harbour, of January 25 – the day the first case from Wuhan arrived in Canada of the open borders, 2020 – underdelivering by the Minister (still?) of The Empty Cupboard, February, 2020;
    with no prospect of immediate remedy save the false assurance of “we continue”
    ‘la lutte continue’, n’est-ce pas.
    When safe vaccines do arrive, not ones created in Canada by CCP at Dalhousie University as took place May – August, 2020, with no results, first in line ought to be our Military who also returned from Wuhan… in what condition?
    Ask as in Question Period the PM ensconced yet in his ‘Forbidden Cottage’.

    • While the Nation awaits an answer from the PM, most other pressing questions now not answered de coutume by a panoply of alternate ‘Prime Ministers’, Canadian Churches must be gratified that no less than the Privy Council (still of SNC and WE notoriety and worse) has reached out to the Canadian Council of Churches member denominations to hold a linked meeting with the CCP-WHO’s Dr. Tam:
      To provide guidance on matters of health and “spiritual” (!) – this, from the Cultural Marxist Regime that has criminalized any opposition to abortion on demand; parents of sexually confused children or youth; proposed enhanced euthanasia for the disabled (!); and proposed Bill-10 – the Ministry of Truth’s policing of the internet along with Big Tech’s Facebook.
      If by the PCC Moderator’s published indications that dare not name The Name that Alone Saves – have yet to read the ACC’s Primate’s – none of the above moves them; but then, neither does the persecuted plight of Christians in China or Canadian Citizens in Hong Kong; thus, nor does religious liberty in Canada as has been filed in 2020 in Ontario Courts by ‘World Impact Ministries’, et al.

      • Ash Wednesday + February 17, 2021
        Canada’s House of Commons
        In reply to Conservative Opposition questions about ongoing human rights abuses and violations in Hong Kong, and in CCP-PRC, there deemed “genocide” by two USA Secretaries of State, on behalf of the incumbent Federal Liberal Government the Prime Minister, a self-professed Roman Catholic, and now fully in Accord (September 22, 2018) with the silent Roman Pontiff – Pius XII redux,
        read reference, twice, to “Uighurs and other persecuted minorities”.
        No mention was made of Christians at all.
        Nostra culpa 2015 and 2019.

        • In S. Shapiro’s ‘The Holocaust as Interpretation’ ‘Hearing The Testimony of Radical Negation’, Shoah Survivor Eli Wiesel wrote,
          “Alone. That is the key word, the haunting theme. Alone with no allies, no friends, totally, desperately alone….The world knew and kept silent. Mankind let them suffer and agonize and perish alone.
          And yet, they did not die alone, for something in all of us died with them.”
          And that will remain the historical and Eternal epitaph over the door to the Federal Liberal Trudeau Cabinet Room where today the silence of their 37 voices registered as “abstain” by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and their appalling absence from the Nation’s House of Commons vote on CCP-PRC Uighur genocide only ratified the deed.
          By contrast, was the real Canada present both to hear and to vote in favour of the Conservative and Bloc Motions 266 versus O.

  6. As of today, here are the top 8 countries that have received COVID-19 vaccinations per 100 people:
    Israel 46.7
    UAE 27.1
    U.K. 10.8
    Bahrain 8.5
    U.S.A. 7.1
    Italy 2.5
    Germany 2.3
    Canada 2.2
    Perhaps, Israel, UAE, and U.K. can share some of their doses with the world’s poorest nations.

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