Julian Assange: hyper-hypocrisy

Assange is set to plaster details of the banking habits of rich and famous individuals in large letters across the digital sky:

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has vowed to reveal confidential account details of rich and famous individuals he says have evaded taxes after taking delivery of a new dossier from a former Swiss banker.

Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer handed over two CDs filled with data to Mr Assange in London today.

And yet is upset when one of his own leakers tries to out-leak him because, irony of ironies, he has a financial interest in the leaks:

For someone who deals in illicit information, Julian Assange sure gets touchy when people share information against his will…

Now Assange is upset that the Guardian would publish some of the leaked cables without the permission of Wikileaks (ironically, the info had apparently been leaked by a Wikileaker!). According to Vanity Fair, “he owned the information and had a financial interest in how and when it was released.”

4 thoughts on “Julian Assange: hyper-hypocrisy

  1. Pingback: Anglican Samizdat , Archive » Julian Assange: hyper-hypocrisy | The Daily Conservative

  2. Warren,
    Whenever someone preferaces their remarks with “anyone with a serious interest in…” it sets my teeth on edge. I spent too much of my time rebutting revolutionary Marxist Leninists, who use these tactics to diminish their opponents.
    This particular thread gives an excellent, if one-sided, debate on the issue of leaks. One could say this was a balanced panel: it consisted of the far left the middle left and the moderate left.
    I hold the Real News in the same high esteem that you hold FOX News in. I find it chippy, one sided and elitist. This assessment is based on a limited viewing, as I’m sure yours is of Fox.
    The issue of big governments inappropriately hiding big secrets is a fair one. However, in my view, Assange is a publicity hound who is prepared to fight for Freedom of Information to the last drop of everyone else’s blood.


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