Jesus wasn’t a “super-good” person according to Rowan Williams

From here:

Jesus would spend Christmas with the St Paul’s Cathedral protesters, the Archbishop of Canterbury said yesterday.

Dr Rowan Williams declared that Christ would be ‘there, sharing the risks, not just taking sides.’

He said in an article aimed at the huge audience of buyers of the Christmas edition of the Radio Times that Jesus ‘is somebody who constantly asks awkward questions’.

The Archbishop said: ‘Christmas doesn’t commemorate the birth of a super-good person who shows us how to get it right every time, but the arrival in the world of someone who tells us that everything could be different.’

If Jesus wasn’t “super-good”, does that mean the Archbishop of Canterbury thinks Jesus was slightly bad, that he sinned? If he doesn’t show us how “to get it right every time”, does that mean Jesus sometimes got it wrong? Does Rowan Williams believe that Jesus is the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father? It doesn’t sound like it.

Dr Williams said in his article: ‘One of the slogans on the posters and banners in front of St Paul’s Cathedral has been “What would Jesus do?”

‘This started life in the US some years ago, with people wearing wristbands with WWJD on them. It’s one of those things that looks wonderfully obvious, a quick way to the right answer.’

He added that when Jesus said ‘give Caesar what belongs to Caesar’, he meant to ask ‘what’s the exact point at which involvement in the empire of capitalist economy compromises you fatally?’

That must be one of the things Jesus didn’t get quite right: when he said ‘give Caesar what belongs to Caesar’, what he really meant to say was that you should ‘give Caesar what belongs to Caesar’ unless, instead of being a ruthless tyrant,  Caesar happens to be a capitalist, in which case, don’t giving him anything since capitalists are more corrupting than the devil himself.

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