ISIS compiles kill list from church directory

From here:

My wife and I live in *****, ********** just north of ******* We were contacted by the FBI this week. We are on a ISIS terrorist kill list and they wanted to inform us. So is my pastor. It appears a Muslim group is trolling the internet and getting church directories and posting names for anyone to kill. Quite frightening. I have talked to the ***** *** FBI Office numerous times now and they say they do not have suspects but this appears to be a new tactic. Be diligent but go about you[r] normal life. They advised that the threat could be low – but tell that to the widows of all the slain police officers nationwide.

As for Canada, the Anglican Church of Church of Canada probably has little to worry about: ISIS is targeting Christian Churches.

7 thoughts on “ISIS compiles kill list from church directory

    • Rather, the ACoC has lost, i.e. its way, and will come to grief. The Counselor, i.e. the Holy Spirit, not a temporal, and in the long run temporary, zeitgeist (spirit of the times), will guide those who are mere Christians, in the sense of the usage by CS Lewis, rather than those who are “Christian” in a merely nominal sense, over and beyond this “battle” oddly labelled with the oxymoron “same-sex marriage”. In any case, what real battles in the spiritual warfare that is the domain of the Gospel were, are, or will be, won or lost by a 2/3 vote ?

    • Sorry, worldling: you lost. Try not to die of the consequences of your “victory”: you and your friends carry so many diseases of body and soul.

      • Yes, because we all know heterosexual couples are immune to diseases of the body and the soul…you are still living in the 19th century

  1. I cannot say that it bothers me in any way, and nor should it bother anyone else. Any of us might be targeted by a nutcase on any day of the week. I do wish our masters would stop importing them to our shores, however.

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