In the Diocese of BC orthodox Christianity is Christo-Fascism

In the Diocese of B.C., it seems that if you are a Christian who thinks that men having sex with other men is not a good idea or you think encouraging children to believe that they were assigned the wrong body is child abuse, you are a Christo-Fascist, a white supremacist and a member of a hate group.

You also refuse to wear a mask (unlike Antifa enthusiasts), are an anti-vaxxer, antisemitic and Islamophobic. There are probably a few more phobias you are guilty of, all of which are explained in more detail that sanity can bear in a diocesan missive here:

In front of the BC legislature on many Saturdays over the past year, you would see people holding up signs about freedom, many of them white Christian men and women. If you looked or listened closely, you would also hear messages about hate. 

Christo fascism is on the rise in Canada. By Christo fascism, I mean predominantly white Christian groups in Canada seeking to impose their religious views, including discrimination of marginalized groups of people, upon the wider public. This includes actively opposing polices of queer inclusion at public institutions such as schools, universities, health clinics and legislative bodies, especially through undemocratic means. Tactics include intimidation, harassment, threat of violence, and seeking to revoke or repeal charter freedoms of other Canadians. These groups that often wave the flag of individual and religious freedom are also among the first to want to revoke freedoms of groups of people they find undesirable, falling outside of the norms of an extremist Christian faith. 

White supremacists and hate groups have established a foothold in Canadian churches, including hate groups disguised as public interest groups. For example, so-called groups of concerned citizens who allege trans kids are victims of child abuse, simply for falling outside the gender norms these extremist Christian groups prescribe. A group will say they are concerned and then show up en masse protesting actual children who are exercising their freedoms simply to exist. Such protests have happened recently in Vancouver. 

7 thoughts on “In the Diocese of BC orthodox Christianity is Christo-Fascism

  1. Pathetically silly. Orwell wrote of the superficial use of “fascist”, as a general-purpose derogatory epithet by political ideologues (that some-might now label
    “woke”, but let’s not play the game in return) for anyone more conservative than themselves, over half a century ago. One aspect of his concern about replacing clarity of thought by emotionally charged verbiage. Orwell was frighteningly prescient. Lexicon reduction in modern Newspeak includes convoluting the eros and agape meanings that share the word “love”. Whether such abuse of Scripture is satanic or mere willful ignorance is not clear to me.

    • Yes, the disconnect with reality is complete in every area of this ‘thinking’.

      In what other sphere could such people get let alone keep employment? Their minds are untrained, their ignorance of what they speak about is total. If they were like this when deaconed, someone has very much to answer for

  2. The longer one lives, the more distorted versions of Christianity one may encounter. Today, we may come across different views like Christless Christianity, Esoteric Christianity, Christian atheism, new atheism, Christless church, prosperity theology, as well as Christian Gnosticism, etc.

  3. That pastor is an example of a “Woke-Fascist”. He turns anyone who does not agree with the progressive agenda into bogeymen, especially white, orthodox, Christian men. Gotta watch out for them! One might cozy up to you during coffee hour after church.

  4. What’s next, I’ve heard of everything, you can’t say or do anything anymore. Well, time will tell, people will do what they want & not do what they don’t want as well, that’s all there is to it. All the names & the labels, all the labeling will go on & on. Well, you just don’t say anything, that’s all! It’s nuts!

  5. We make choices all the time. But we cannot make the right and wrong choice at the same time. We cannot do the right and wrong action at the same time. We cannot say the right and wrong thing at the same time.

  6. The most compelling Case for Christo-Fascism yet unanswered at the current General Synod in Session, February 6-9, at Church House in London, UK, involves victims of sexual abuse:both in CoE shools re. IISA’s findings; and in Canada’s Residential Schools re. TRC findings, the same sexual abuses constitutive of crimes to be ‘blessed’ by a parcel of Rogue Bishops in the name of “humanity”

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