I agree with Peter Tatchell

This once.

Peter Tatchell has threatened to expose Church of England bishops who have same-sex partners themselves yet discipline clergy who do the same. Not a bad idea providing it doesn’t become gay bishop McCarthyism.

From here:

Gay rights activist Peter Tatchell has put together a list of Anglican bishops he believes are in same-sex relationships and is threatening to out them publicly if they discipline homosexual clergy for marrying their partners.

The warning comes after hospital chaplain Jeremy Pemberton had his license to preach revoked last month by the acting Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham Richard Inwood after marrying his partner Laurence Cunningham earlier this year.

Mr Tatchell’s decision to compile a dossier of evidence echoes the tactic his campaign group OutRage! carried out 20 years ago when it exposed 10 Anglican bishops as being gay at the 1994 General Synod. He said his aim now, as it was then, is “self-defence” and that he wants to expose church hypocrisy and defend the homosexual community against bishops who endorse anti-gay discrimination.

Although he has not decided whether to reveal his evidence, the veteran campaigner is preparing the groundwork.

“There are names on the list already,” Mr Tatchell told The Independent  on Friday.

5 thoughts on “I agree with Peter Tatchell

  1. While I agree with the intention of exposing apostate clergy at ALL levels I also pray for people like Mr. Tatchell so that they can see the light and recognize that homosexual activity is sin and not something that should be acceptable to society. All of us have that old nature – the sin nature – which tempts us into sin and the nature of the sin depends largely on our individual nature and upbringing. We are called to repentance NOT called to ‘bless’ sinful activity whatever nature that might be.

  2. Come on, you guys, you don’t really believe this guy? He sounds like an attension seeker. In the U.S.A., there were only two Bishops (Gene Robinson, and that Mary Glasspole in L.A.). But in England? I don’t really know, of course. But the English used to be more reticent about sexual matters. It seems to me, there is gossip and lurid suggestions in the media, and it all gets a little ridiculous. I think, the poor bishop who does exercise discipline is going to get some pushback, some criticism. I think we ought to applaud and support such Bishops.

    This Peter Tackell sounds like a nasty character. Gay activists sure know how to manipulate the media, and they know how to get attension, and how to play the victim role skillfully. He is trying to portray himself as somehow more righteous than those silly, old fashioned churchmen. I think he is engaging in mocking the Church, he is taunting.

  3. A Church of England bishop is saying that there are 13 gay bishops in the CofE:

    A leading member of the Church of England has called on gay bishops to “come out” as England celebrated its first same-sex weddings in secular venues.

    Alan Wilson, bishop of Buckingham, said the time has come for gay bishops to make themselves known. He criticized the church’s stance of not recognizing same-sex marriage as “sheer cruelty” and “morally outrageous,” adding: ”Most gay people would be happier out, including bishops.”

    Wilson, 59, said he was not into “outing” gay people.

    “I don’t have a medical file on all my colleagues but it has been claimed that there are 13 gay bishops in the Church of England,” he said.

    As I implied in my post, I generally don’t agree with Peter Tatchell, but at least he is forthright in what he believes and stands for. If Bishop Alan Wilson is correct in there being 13 gay bishops in the CofE then, unless all those bishops are celibate, there is a gross double standard being applied in the church.

    It has come to a sorry pass when an agitator for gay marriage is more straightforwardly honest than a Christian Church.

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