Harebrained pro-abortionists

Rather than condemning something that is done routinely, and for no particularly good reason, to unborn babies – killing them – abortion enthusiasts are fretting about something that is less likely to occur than being struck by lightning seven times in a row:  being shot at any time.

That must be why they are recommending defending themselves with deadly force only if  really necessary:

h/t: Jill Stanek

8 thoughts on “Harebrained pro-abortionists

  1. Someone of my acquaintance reckoned that abortion should not only be legal, it should be made retrospective. If this were the case, I’m sure that everyone would have a long list of possible candidates, starting with politicians, religious and non-religious extremists and obviously hysterical campaigners like those referred to in the article.

  2. The abortionists and their supporters seem well-practiced already at using deadly force; it seems to come very naturally to them, in fact.

  3. Where? I don’t see the Anglican Church lining up with pro-abortionists. They might be weak on the personal versus community sin thing, but I don’t seeing them taking a definitive anti-life position. The Anglican church is involved in a myriad of social justice efforts which are noble and good.

  4. I have. I’m afraid you are deluding yourself here. Without going into detail, for reasons of my own, I can tell you that I experienced the Anglican Church most definitively siding with the “Pro-Choice” contingent, and turning a blind eye to the facts of abortion. I was utterly shocked.

    You don’t have to believe me, though. Ask your local Bishop, and you are likely to get some kind of subterfuge or brush-off on the subject. If he can remain on topic, ask further for a clear explanation of the ACofC’s stance on abortion. You’ll likely get more waffling, and then lots of apologetic nonsense out of radical feminism. Keep going, and if you’re at all intelligent, you will realize they are most definitely not Pro-Life.

  5. Eph
    I fear that in defending the ACoC here, you will receive a rude awakening. It is my prayer that you will see the truth and pursue the Good News wherever it takes you.

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