Fred Hiltz looks forward to reconciliation at the Primates’ meeting

Fred Hiltz’s reaction – his public one, at least – to Archbishop Foley Beach’s attending the Primates’ meeting next January was a hope that he could converse his way into “reconciliation” with ACNA. To put it another way: he wants to have yet another shot at bamboozling the naïve fundamentalist conservatives that their liberal brethren don’t have horns after all.

“Reconciliation” the Hiltz way is for ACNA to peacefully co-exist with those who are in the process of draining the meaning out of marriage, who deny that Jesus is man’s only means of salvation, who have replaced the Gospel with Marxist flavoured social action, who believe the church’s primary calling is to the temporal rather than the eternal and who value money and survival over truth and integrity.

GAFCON and ACNA can only reconcile with TEC and the ACoC if both repudiate their false teaching, an event that is unlikely to occur this side of the apocalypse.

If Hiltz truly wants to reconcile, he could, as a gesture of good faith, give ANiC parishes their buildings back.

From here:

The Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Most Revd Archbishop Fred Hiltz, welcomed the meeting as “a good thing”. Speaking on Tuesday, he described the decision to invite ACNA — it is understood that the representative will be present for one day, before the formal meeting gets under way — as “an opportunity for some conversation, in the ultimate hope that we might be able to find a way forward towards reconciliation”.

Personally, I would like to see a repetition of the dramatic but, alas, unsuccessful attempt at the 1998 Lambeth conference by Nigeria’s Bishop Emmanuel Chukwuma to exorcise demons of homosexuality from Rev. Richard Kirker through the unsolicited laying on of hands. That might be too much to hope for.

5 thoughts on “Fred Hiltz looks forward to reconciliation at the Primates’ meeting

  1. The only recompilation that Fred Hiltz and his apostate colleagues want is a complete surrender by the ANIC. There is no way that he or his apostate colleagues will admit to any wrong doing. One thing is absolute – if there is any genuine repentance on the part of the ACoC they must prove that by returning properties legally stolen by the various dioceses within Canada. There is some mention of what they describe as “a middle way” but the Gospel is quite clear. You must accept the FULL authority of Scripture and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and there is no middle way other than what Satan offers. Tragically that is what Fred Hiltz and his apostate colleagues have accepted.

  2. I remember our bishop assuring us, 11 years ago when we left ACoC, that ‘same-sex marriage in the church would never happen’ – or words to that effect. To be honest, I do think he actually believed it then. Do those folks have any idea of the pain they have caused? Or any concept of the hubris this must have required?

  3. What may be most important with regard to the pending meeting is whether resulting actions relating to potential reconciliation involving the numerous entities involved is considered by the entities themselves as representing significant progress or whether the entities involved consider such actions insignificant in nature. Actual progress in such matters would seem to hinge on how the entities themselves wind up assessing what happens.

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