Extravagant mud slinging from the Christian dimwit contingent

Margot Fernandez from the Tuscon Liberal Christian Examiner seems to think that the ACNA is full of bigots and that Archbishop Peter Akinola is a war criminal. Contrary to my initial suspicion, she is not related to Christopher Hitchens:

Episcopal bigots supported by prominent African war criminal.

Another thing that jumped out at me in the story–and I am sure to anyone who is aware of the human-rights record of the African Church–was the presence of Peter J. Akinola at the meeting. Just in case some of you may still not believe that I am the Oracle of Truth, here is a link to a page detailing the actions of Akinola in the Nigerian Church. It doesn’t go into his personal militia and his war crimes against Nigerian Muslims, but look at his career here: www.petertatchell.net/religion/nigeria-akinola.htm. I heard of Akinola and his slaughter of Nigerian Muslims right here in Tucson, where horror stories about him have arrived years ago. Nice guy for the ACNA to hang out with.

Up until recently, Archbishop Peter Akinola was Anglican Primate of Nigeria and spent his time building the Church of Nigeria into a “bible-based, spiritually dynamic, united, disciplined, self supporting church, committed to pragmatic evangelism and social welfare: a Church that epitomises the love of Christ.” The Anglican Province of Nigeria now has the largest number of active Anglican Christians of any Province. Peter Akinola managed to achieve this in the odd moments when he was not occupied with the favourite pastime of prominent Anglicans – slaughtering Muslims.

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