Diocese of Rupert’s Land plans to proceed with same-sex marriages

The bishop of Rupert’s Land has issued the following statement that clearly says – amidst the usual faux-pious gobbledegook – that he intends to go ahead with marrying same-sex couples in spite of the fact that the motion to approve same-sex marriages won’t be voted upon until the next general synod, that it is unlikely to pass anyway and that it could not receive final approval until 2019.

Fred Hiltz has already received an oracle  that this was bound to happen; I suppose Phillips, having seen that, thought to himself: “Why wait?”

An Update from the Bishop on Same-sex Marriages in our Church May 23, 2016.

It is my hope that this brief pastoral update will be helpful to members of our Diocese. Since the communication from the House of Bishops and the response from the Council of General Synod regarding the proposed change to the marriage canon back in March, 2016, I have noted both the interest and concern around how I view same-sex marriage in our Diocese, as well as the confusion and anxiety about what my approach to same-sex marriage might be.

Through continued prayer, listening to many voices, studying the Commission’s report, This Holy Estate, and much conversation, I am able to offer the following, hopefully straightforward, statement: I am convinced that the time has come for the provision for same-sex marriages in our Diocese to become reality. I am committed to working toward making that happen both as soon as responsibly possible, and in a grace-filled manner that minimizes the impact for those who struggle with this issue – both within and beyond our Diocese.

How this needs to take place is yet to be determined and it is important that I, our other delegates to General Synod, and all of the members of our Diocese, remain open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in discerning that path.

Yours [not in any way, shape or form – editor] in Christ,
Donald Phillips, PhD
Bishop of Rupert’s Land

9 thoughts on “Diocese of Rupert’s Land plans to proceed with same-sex marriages

  1. If one Diocese can choose to go ahead with same-sex marriages now, there will be no point for General Synod to discuss the issue any more. Individual dioceses can do what they want anyway.

  2. Clearly this so-called bishop has his words distorted when he suggests listening to the Holy Spirit. The only spirit that will lead him in this direction is the spirit of “political correctness” and we do not have to speculate as to the source of that spirit. If he was honestly listening to the Holy Spirit he would uphold both the authority of Scripture and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. He is proving himself to be a total apostate.

  3. 2019! For all those seeking to expedite this burning matter, In the meantime there is the new and improved ‘PC’ Conservative Party, meeting this very day in its Canadian and ACC epicenter -Vancouver. Even the ultra ‘2016-PC’ PM commends them from his own new and improved ultra ‘PC’ Liberal Party meeting in Winnipeg, “Better late than never!”
    Our LORD takes the directly opposite view: Better NEVER than late!
    + Luke 17 “As it was in the days of Noah,,,as it was in the days of Lot…even thus shall it be in the day when The Son of Man is Revealed…one shall be taken, and the other left.”

  4. Homosexuality is a divisive issue facing today’s church. The House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada has been discussing the issue of homosexuality since 1976. On March 1, 1979, the Bishop of Toronto wrote: “We are not condoning homosexual activity, nor are we accepting it as a normal alternate life style for either clergy or laity”. On June 8, 2003, the Archbishop of Canterbury wrote: “There is no theological consensus about same-sex unions”. However, on November 2, 2003, an openly-gay priest was ordained a Bishop in the American Episcopal Church. Today, over one-third of the Canadian Dioceses allow the blessing of same-sex relationships. The decision of the Bishop of Rupert’s Land to go ahead with same-sex marriages in his Diocese sets a new trend in Canada. Some churches have finally followed the decision made by 19 nations which allow same-sex marriages. They have let the secular nations guide them to do the right thing in the area of homosexuality. We are now living in a same-sex-marriage world. But, not everybody has to endorse gay marriages. Not everybody has to disobey God and God’s Word.

  5. Why dont the people simply abandon the Anglican church, its so hopeless, find a true Church that truly follows the Scripture.
    The leaders are nothing but a bunch of baffoons…why do you people put up with it ?

    • I fully agree with your advice provided it relates to the Anglican Church of Canada. We have found our home in a truly orthodox church which is part of the Anglican Network in Canada. We, in essence, grew out of the fact that we were not only evicted from our building but also had our property legally stolen by the Diocese of New Westminster. The ACoC made use of the civil courts fully knowing they have no concern for ensuring the church continued in its orthodox roots. The so-called Christian lawyers and judges should hold their heads in shame for not only taking the action against orthodox Christians but working with the apostates to help in the morally corrupt seizure of properties.

      • Yes, the advice relates to the Anglican Church in Canada. But also to the ELCIC , which has embraced apostasy in such a conniving and shameful way. I’m so done with the ELCIC.

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