Diocese of Niagara sings a new song

The theme of the 2019 diocesan synod was “Sing A New Song”. Most of the items in the bishop’s charge fell rather short of being either new or worth singing about. For example, ever eager to jump on the latest thinly disguised vacuous Gaia worship bandwagon, the diocese has declared:

a climate emergency and [is] urging advocacy and action to address it

If that doesn’t stimulate your vocal cords, perhaps this will:

expressing a steadfast solidarity with the local and global LGBTQ2S+ community, affirming the prophetic witness of Bishop Michael Bird and Bishop Susan Bell, and receiving the affirmations contained with the “Word to the Church”

Susan Bell doesn’t have much of a prophetic witness act to follow, since Michael Bird’s prophetic abilities didn’t manage rise to the level of dismal failure represented by CNN’s attempt to predict the outcome of the 2016 US election.

I expect what the article meant to say was: “affirming the woke witness of Bishop Michael Bird and Bishop Susan Bell”.

One thought on “Diocese of Niagara sings a new song

  1. As I stated in previous reports the ACoC under the leadership of APOSTATES who consider themselves bishops the ACoC will continue in its rapid descent into APOSTASY and unless the laity decide to take action by ceasing ALL contributions until there is a public repentance and return to the GOSPEL there is no future for the ACoC. It has rejected the authority of SCRIPTURE and has accepted the teachings and apostasy of the current APOSTATES.

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