Diocese of B.C. to proceed with same-sex marriages

Bishop Logan McMenamie has stated that he will not wait for the next vote on the marriage canon change in 2019 but will start performing same-sex marriages immediately.

The Diocese of BC has joined the growing number of dioceses for whom synod voting signifies little more than empty gestures emanating from the meaningless gatherings of a decaying organisation.

The other dioceses that are ignoring the synod processes include: Niagara, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Edmonton, Huron, Rupert’s Land. There are probably others. Soon, it will quicker to list dioceses that are not performing same-sex marriages.

From here (page 2):

After receiving the thoughts of the clergy of the diocese the Bishop has decided to move forward with the marriage of same sex couples in the Diocese. He will permit this on a case by case basis after conversation with the clergy person who will officiate at the marriage. He told the members of council that principle takes precedence over process in this issue. He went on to say that unity is not agreement but rather the willingness to work together and to walk together.

3 thoughts on “Diocese of B.C. to proceed with same-sex marriages

  1. Just further proof that the ACoC no longer worships our Lord but follows the deceptive god — notice the small “g” – of political correctness or political expediency. True Christians should abandoned the ACoC and seek out a true genuine orthodox church such as those in the ANIC. Further orthodox Christians should immediately cease and desist from making ANY contributions to apostate churches. The ACoC is lead and controlled by apostates that have no interest in the truth but will fight to hold onto their perceived elevated positions. Any celebration of the Eucharist is nothing less than fraud.

  2. Unity, he says, is a willingness to work together, yet the diocese is not willing to work within the church’s own established processes and procedures.

    The articulation of grand principles and requests for unity are merely rhetorical camouflage for doing whatever they think they can get away with. It is notable that there is so much professed zeal for promoting heresy and not orthodoxy.

    The enthusiasm for leading people into what the Bible repeatedly states is a damnable sin indicates that this is a church forsaken; it is the haunt of demons, the synagogue of Satan. The true bride of Christ never leads people away from holiness, fidelity to the Word, or into soul-blackening alienation from God.

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