Dalai Lama saw Mao Tse-tung as a father

I’ve always found the ubiquitous adulation of the Dalai Lama irritating and this video doesn’t do much to change that.

In it, our itinerant holy man declares that he viewed Mao Tse-tung as a “father” and Mao, reciprocating, regarded Tenzin Gyatso as a “son.” Any normal person would go to considerable lengths to conceal an adopted filial relationship with a mass murderer, but not Tenzin Gyatso: he is, after all, a reincarnation of a long line of “enlightenment-beings” and thus must have impeccable taste. The starry-eyed interviewer below is clearly under the spell of the enlightened one.

2 thoughts on “Dalai Lama saw Mao Tse-tung as a father

  1. Personally I find our news media’s obsession with the DL to be repugnant at best, and usually nauseating. But certainly not surprising. After all this guy is definitely not Christian. Instead of preaching that certain things are just plain wrong (the idea of sin for example) he instead can be accurately portrayed as a preacher of “every one can do what-ever they like so long as it does not negatively effect others, and while you are doing it you would be best to mind you own business”. This of course fits in perfectly well with what most in the news media want.

    However, he would be just as relevant if he were to put on a dress, talk in a German accept, and go aroung saying to people “if it feels good do it”.

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