Complaint leads to removal of pro-life ad from Guelph Transit buses

This is one of the advertisements:

The article below describes the advertisements as “controversial”, in itself a sad indictment on a society that sees controversy in protecting the unborn and none in inviting drag queens into children’s libraries to spread “diversity” to infants.

Read it all here:

A controversial anti-abortion advertisement that had been running on Guelph Transit buses has been removed by the City of Guelph after a complaint was made by a member of the public.

Lifelong Guelphite Fiona Douglas recalls seeing anti-abortion advertising by Guelph & Area Right to Life on Guelph Transit buses since she was a child. Now 27, Douglas has been campaigning for the past few years to have the advertisements removed from public property.

The nub of the problem is the phenomenon that was unheard of before 2010: triggering. The notion is that if a person is exposed to an idea which runs contrary to his conditioning, it might upset – trigger – him. And obviously, since my generation’s children seem to have inadvertently bred a crop of fragile snowflakes, we can’t have that.

“It’s triggering for me as someone who has never had an abortion. It upsets me that people are able to make other people question what is right for them and their health care through the lens of human rights,” said Douglas.

Before anyone jumps to the conclusion that the woman filing the complaint is against free speech, she hastens to assure us that she is all for it. As long as it doesn’t upset anyone:

Douglas said she believes strongly in freedom of speech and acknowledges Right to Life has every right to advertise, but doesn’t want to see messages that are misleading or could be upsetting to some people.

When is the Anglican church, which loves social action so much it has swapped saving souls for banning pipelines, going to do something socially positive and support groups like the Guelph & Area Right to Life?

9 thoughts on “Complaint leads to removal of pro-life ad from Guelph Transit buses

  1. So this gal believes in free speech as long as it is not “misleading” or “upsetting” to “some” people! Wow! That certainly is a novel definition of free speech!

  2. Everyone she says this to should say to her in response: “I’m triggered by what you just said and feel diminished and unsafe”.

  3. If the baby is alive in the womb is because why it’s alive when born; however, if it’s not alive in the womb will be still born when the mother gives birth

    Just because it’s in the womb doesn’t mean it’s not alive, it is alive is why it’s alive when born; however, I think this whole thing has been -‘spin doctored’ as a means to an end to justify abortion.

    Lifelong Guelphite Fiona Douglas recalls seeing anti-abortion advertising by Guelph & Area Right to Life on Guelph Transit buses since she was a child. Now 27, Douglas has been campaigning for the past few years to have the advertisements removed from public property.


    Before anyone jumps to the conclusion that the woman filing the complaint is against free speech, she hastens to assure us that she is all for it. As long as it doesn’t upset anyone:

    Douglas said she believes strongly in freedom of speech and acknowledges Right to Life has every right to advertise, but doesn’t want to see messages that are misleading or could be upsetting to some people.

    Freedom of speech -to a point- like this is not strong like mentioned above

  4. Fiona Douglas & her comment about being ‘misleading’

    It does mislead her from the path she’s now walking on

    But it also at the same time leads others who have otherwise opinions at the moment

  5. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this ad. It does not promote hatred. It does not promote violence. It does not slander nor commit liable. It is not obscene. It does have vulgar or rude language. By any measure this ad is perfectly fine. Except for one thing. It goes against what the left wing are willing to let people see.

    We are losing our rights and our country. Very scary times indeed.

  6. Just in time for the open-borders, anti-Christian ‘Health’ Minister (re. summer jobs application funding denials), along with her enhanced medical murder regime to declare a covid-19 panic rush on food and medicine.

    • Said ‘Health Minister’ still officiating along with PM Trudeau’s WHO appointee (2017):
      all referencing the Sinophile WHO who recently welcomed all offer$ of Clinton Ca$h (v. Peter Schweitzer’s book).
      As benighted night follows benighted night both the Trudeau regime funded CBC et al., and now Mainline Churches, iterating the advice of this Cultural Marxist regime’s perilous open-borders from cov-19 affected areas; and decry “discrimination” if the public even attempts to be guarded in their movements, etc.
      In this dark vein, more than Interesting to note the PCC, whose ACC ‘Connect’ed imminent decline and impending fall in order to bless sin, is inviting “prayer”:
      while remaining totally silent about a Federal ‘Health’ Minister whose Case is before the Courts for alleged discrimination vs. Christians re. summer jobs applications with funding denied;
      all this in wake of their crucial 2018 General Assembly under the discriminatory words and actions, by silencing Protesting GA Commissioners (available online), of the incumbent Moderator… who hailed from South Korea. No Prayers yet from the PCC, et al. for persecuted Christians in China.
      Canada is being Shanghaied.

      • Further to which, v. March 6/2020 ‘Lifesite News’ (one of the sites the Trudeau Regime would silence if the register-licensing Bill for media as proposed by its Minister of Culture (‘Ministry of Truth’) et al. prevails, as slated by June, 2020) re.the Roman Pontiff’s statement of desired “unity” between Roman Catholics there with Communist China:
        whose bold declaration in 2018 and ensuing record of unprecedented brutal and bloody persecution of all Christians now extends beyond incarceration in ‘education’ camps, to enforced vital organ harvesting while alive, including eyes (!), to denying any medical aid to cov-19 patients/internees.
        In the alternative: read now doubly besieged Hong Kong’s RC Cardinal Zen’s Open Letter to the Pontiff.
        Christians both in Hong Kong, South Korea,Taiwan,
        Japan, and the South East Asian Nations are in the front lines of a massive Communist Chinese invasion:post cov-19.

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