Christopher Hitchens ponders his mortality

A couple of interviews with Christopher Hitchens:

One of the interestingly wrong points that Hitchens makes is that if he does end up making a deathbed confession of faith, we should not take it seriously since it would be the product of delirium, pain, panic or chemically altered brain functions: in other words, it wouldn’t be the “real” Hitchens. For an atheist, though, where the material is the only reality, it would still be the “real” Hitchens, since the version of this over-inflated ego that exists in any moment in time is the only real one there is. For Christians a Lord Marchmain style deathbed conversion would be an occasion of rejoicing; for atheists one of lament – but atheists would not be able to wriggle out of it being a real statement of faith by a real Hitchens.

Watching these, it would take a hard hearted person not to feel sorry for him.

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