On Remembrance Day, the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund remembers refugees

The PWRDF is not particularly comfortable with the idea of fighting for freedom – after all, that might involve violence – so in its article for Remembrance Day, it has one sentence about remembering and fourteen paragraphs about refugees, including this:

Unfortunately, for too many people in the world today, November 11 is not a day to remember; it’s another day lived in fear, desperation and fleeing for safety. There are still wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; conflict in Congo and Somalia, Sudan and Sri Lanka.

And every conflict produces refugees – people who are no longer safe in their own lands.

In Pakistan, because of recent attacks by Taliban insurgents and the subsequent military operation, three million people have fled their homes in the mountainous north, including Waziristan and the Swat Valley, for relative peace in the central plains. They are internally displaced peoples (IDPs), or “refugees in their own country,” says Shama Mall, deputy director for Church World Service–Pakistan/Afghanistan.

I have a great deal of sympathy for innocent refugees, but there would be far fewer of them if the wars that the PWRDF bedwetters bemoan were successful at defeating barbarians like the Taliban.