Canadian bishops all get a copy of Michael Coren’s new book

Coren’s book about how he came to support same-sex marriage has been distributed to all Canadian bishops – as if they needed any encouragement in that direction. Here is Michael Bird’s response:


Coren hopes it will do “some good”, as if such a thing were likely to result from a rather disgusting betrayal of his former principles:


5 thoughts on “Canadian bishops all get a copy of Michael Coren’s new book

  1. The portrayed source of Mr. Coren’s ‘inspiration’ is faulty because short-circuited in self.
    “In the beginning was The WORD…” + Genesis + John + Revelation 19:13.
    Not: in the beginning was a light bulb of one’s own illumination of deadly darkness,
    challenging, “Yea, hath GOD said?…” + Genesis 3.
    Divine Illumination is:
    “Let THIS MIND be you in you…holding forth The WORD of Life..” + Philippians 2:5,16.
    Fiat Lux.

  2. Michael Coren has travelled a long way from where he was when he was writing biographies of C. S. Lewis and G. K. Chesterton, and not in a good direction. I remember always turning to his debates with Karen Selick, in which he argued the “so-con” position and she the “libertarian”, in Ezra Levant’s “Western Standard”. It was the most interesting feature of the magazine. Nevertheless, when he defected to liberalism on gay agenda issues a year or so ago, it did not really surprise me. I remembered that several years ago he had argued in the National Post that Canada ought to become a republic. I have no confidence in either the conservatism or Christianity of someone who commits the folly of wishing to replace the royal sovereign who is God’s anointed with a man-chosen president.

  3. What about his earlier book ” Why Catholics are always right ?” , looks like Coren changed his mind on that, too.

  4. Mikey Cornhole is a wanker! Having just cleared the room with that observation, I cannot imagine anyone with at least a room temperature IQ caring what he says in this latest door stop. Merciful Lord… me from his current ‘re branding’. Clearly suffering from delusions of importance he yet again surfaces and treats us to what I am sure he believes will instill confidence in those of whom are still within the crumbling walls of Anglicanism. Ah yes……a reason to believe. Just what the doctor ordered. I am sure he will fit well into the halls of Wycliffe College and is on the ‘fast track’ to becoming ordained.
    Epiphany indeed.

    • Micheal coren is an entertaining hypocrite with a superior grasp of the English language. He is a master at reinventing himself, I’m quite sure
      He could make a good case for nuclear war. Wasn’t it Goebels nazi Germany’s propaganda minister who said,if you are going to tell a lie
      Make sure it is a whopper, you are then more likely to be believed

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