Call of Duty 2: Modern Warfare

Is a videogame that is inflaming controversy because of its realistic graphic violence and its placing of the player into the situation where he has to kill innocent civilians:

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 leaked footage set to ignite controversy

The leaked footage from the forthcoming Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 shows the player killing unarmed civilians with a group of terrorists at what looks like LAX airport in Los Angeles. The scenes are likely to be criticised by family interest groups and media watchdogs and will possibly turn the developer and publisher into the latest lightning rods for video game controversy.

I remember many years ago teaching a computer course at Bombardier Aerospace. The best part of it was that, in the lunch break,  I was able to play with their flight simulators at a time when geometry engines cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and were somewhat out of the reach of Atari 800 enthusiasts. My interest in computer graphics hasn’t waned – I wish I could say the same for my reflexes – so I will probably get hold of the new COD; I’ll try not to let it turn me into a violent madman, though.

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