Bishop Michael Bird responds to Marriage Canon decision

The Canadian House of Bishops cannot muster the 2/3rds majority it would need to pass a motion to change the marriage canon to accommodate same-sex couples. Here is the reaction from the liberal Diocese of Niagara’s Michael Bird. Interestingly, he notes that “many” of the bishops did not agree with the amendment.


My dear friends:

It is with deep sadness and regret that I write this letter to you today. As you know we in Niagara have and continue to work very hard to give life and bear faithful witness to our baptismal promise that calls us to “seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being.” This past week the Canadian House of Bishops has just concluded a special meeting on proposed changes to our national Marriage Canon, changes that I personally believe seek to uphold this sacred dignity in the sacrament of marriage for those who identify as LGBTQ2.

It is apparent, however, that many of my fellow bishops cannot support the proposal at this time, as indicated by this declaration: “In our exploration of these differences it became clear to us that the draft resolution to change the Marriage Canon to accommodate the marriage of same-sex partners is not likely to pass in the Order of Bishops by the canonical requirement of a 2/3rds majority in each Order.”

While I believe this assessment to be true, I know how disturbing this will be for so many in our diocese and beyond. I want to say how deeply sorry I am that this is the case and my heart aches for all who continue to be wounded by the words and actions of our Church. I am one of the bishops at this meeting who was, as a statement by the House of Bishops puts it, “mortified and devastated by this realisation.”

I take heart in the commitment by the House of Bishops to “explore other options for honouring and fully embracing covenanted, faithful same-sex relationships.” Over the coming months I intend to prayerfully explore what that might mean for all of us in Niagara. I know that your voices and those representing Canadian Anglicans at General Synod will offer important insights about where the Spirit is leading us at this moment in the life of our Church.

As your bishop I will continue to do all in my power to seek and bear witness to the transformational power of God’s inclusive love so that the dream of equal marriage will be realized. Please remember those impacted by this news in your prayers along with those who will participate in General

8 thoughts on “Bishop Michael Bird responds to Marriage Canon decision

  1. Such was the ‘heart ache’ of the first marital home-wrecker (“Yea, hath GOD said?” + Genesis 3 ) when Paradise was Lost + Genesis chs. 1-3:
    better to reign in the other place than serve in Heaven.

  2. If he is honestly this upset about it then perhaps he should leave the Anglican Church of Canada and start his own new church.

  3. Their same-sex campaign of dirty tricks , seems to be failing, for the convention this summer…..of course they will want “to keep the conversation” going, until they succeed.

    Just like Susan Johnson and the ELCIC heretics.

  4. I thought it was lgbtqwerty. No? Seriously, does this mean that the bishops are actually going to be real shepherds?

    • Hopefully it will mean that current so-called bishops will repent and stand firm for the Gospel and thus become real shepherds. However, with apostates like Michael Bird and Fred Hiltz and others within the House of Bishops I can only see them working in the underground to bring about the approval of apostasy and rejection of the Gospel. The only true sign of repentance would include returning legally stolen property from true orthodox believers. Unfortunately such apostates are too full of themselves to submit to anything.

  5. Won’t someone please think of the children! [/end Mrs. Lovejoy’s voice]

    Sorry, I meant can someone please show me where in the Bible the words “equal marriage” are? I have googled searched and hunted and still can’t find this supposed unholy combination.

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