Bishop Charlie Masters talks about the Diocese of Niagara

At GAFCON 2, Bishop Charlie Masters discussed how ANiC priests were treated by their former church.

During the legal proceedings between the Diocese of Niagara and ANiC, the diocesan lawyer asked ANiC’s lawyer: “What has your client done which has caused my client, the Diocese of Niagara, to hate them [the ANiC priests] so much”. The answer is pretty simple: power doesn’t like to be defied.


You can see the entire video here.

2 thoughts on “Bishop Charlie Masters talks about the Diocese of Niagara

  1. I usually agree with your analyses, David, but not in this instance. The reason the ANiC are so “hated” is because they are making an effort to teach the true gospel. This is nothing less than the irreconcilable hostility that exists between darkness and light; pagan and Christian; those who belong to God and those who do not.

    • Yes Jason, I agree with what you say, they hate us, as satan hates Christ for defeating him and crushing his skull at the foot of the cross, and they fear and hate as satan does, who knows Christ will return to finish the job. And when He does there will wailing and gnashing of teeth of the ravenous predatory wolves who destroy His church from within, and their fruit that that stinks and is rotten, shall be thrown into the fire with them.

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