Baptising my new pronouns

The Diocese of Niagara has a new liturgy to celebrate the renaming of a person who decides to behave as if he is the opposite sex to the one imposed on him by such trivia as his chromosomes.

The diocese hastens to point out that this is not exactly a re-baptism – that would be most unAnglican – rather, it “sacralizes” the whole experience. Just speaking personally, I think I would need a little more incentive before agreeing to have my genitals chopped off. That’s just me.

According to Canon Penny Anderson, the mastermind behind this initiative, there are a “growing number of people in our diocese” who are not in the least bit deterred by the prospect of this barbaric practice. We live in strange times.

From here:

Bishop Susan Bell has authorized for use in the Diocese of Niagara an interim rite to enable clergy to better respond to the pastoral needs of transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive parishioners.

The rite is called ‘Affirming the Newly Named’ and celebrates and affirms those who are claiming a new name and set of pronouns as part of their journey to fullness of life in regard to their gender identity.

“I am so grateful to have this pastoral rite available for use in parishes as it names and sacralizes the experience of trans and non-binary people who are beloved of God,” says Bishop Bell about the new liturgy.

Canon Penny Anderson, who helped to craft this liturgy, says that “feeling free to live their authentic gender identity is central to the faith journey of a growing number of people in our diocese.

5 thoughts on “Baptising my new pronouns

  1. This poor Diocese is so confused they can’t even get the Ichthys correct on their logo. They desperately need our prayers to find the Truth.

    • Tragically they are not interested in the truth. The ACoC has embraced the modern doctrine that clearly denounces the authority of Scripture and has elected apostate bishops that clearly direct believers from the true Gospel. Until these so called bishops are removed from office there is no hope for the ACoC.

  2. Now, in wake of the February 23, 2021, virtual Meeting between Canada’s PM and USA ‘President’, that the February 22 Liberal “genocide” Regime has opted to ‘Build Back Better’, that will include the iniquitous, discriminatory Obama ‘inspired’ Biden ‘Equality Act’, the issue of Baptismal pronouns will pale in comparison to Candidates for the once Holy Sacrament: only EA Candidates will be ‘Baptized’.
    + Daniel 11 is gaining not daily, but hourly, Prophetic momentum:
    “And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against The GOD of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished:
    for that that is determined shall be done.
    Neither shall he regard The GOD of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all”.
    Did the Diocese of Niagara vote in that most troubled on historical record of USA General Elections? Or did Canadians themselves?

    • Now that the Trudeau Government’s draconian Bill-C 6 has been passed, criminalization of parents, et al., who counsel salutary caution to their young people suffering from gender confusion has victimized a B.C. father now facing prison time for his alleged contravention re. his fourteen your old daughter/son. ‘Tough Issues’ airing April 6/21 on Peter Youngren’s daily ‘You Are Loved’ (Vision TV) is offering the Christian+Scriptural perspective on this troubling and troubled issue:
      Seeking first and last the reclamation of any sexually confused individual to Jesus Christ as their loving Creator + Redeemer,
      “Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female.”
      + Genesis 1;2;3 + Matthew ch.19. Amen.

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