Baby Joseph Maraachli goes home

From here:

Baby Joseph Maraachli was released from SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center and flew back to Canada with his family on Thursday morning.

The infant has a progressive neurological disease and received a tracheotomy on March 21 at the St. Louis hospital.

The tracheotomy, which creates an opening into Joseph’s windpipe through an incision in his neck, was a success, said Dr. Robert Wilmott, Chief of Pediatrics for SSM Cardinal Glennon and Saint Louis University School of Medicine.

“Joseph has been breathing on his own, without the aid of a mechanical ventilator, for more than a week,” Wilmott said. “By providing him with this common palliative procedure, we’ve given Joseph the chance to go home and be with his family after spending so much of his young life in the hospital.”

The London Health Sciences Centre had planned, against the parents wishes, to remove baby Joseph’s breathing tube on February 22nd; this would have caused him to choke to death.

The baby will probably still die of his disease, but he will die at home with parents who love him.

He has been given the gift of life – a short life perhaps, but life, nevertheless: just like the rest of us.

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