Attendance at St. John’s Shaughnessy is dropping

In spite of an influx of cash , a new rector and a “Bishop’s Missioner”, according to one observer, attendance has dropped:

In a building that will hold 1000, September 2011 attracted between 80 to 70 people to the 10:00 a.m. service; now around 30 people attend – presumably distant relatives of the rector and “Bishop’s Missioner”. At the 8:00 a.m. service there are 2 or 3 people.

One thought on “Attendance at St. John’s Shaughnessy is dropping

  1. I went to the 10am service on a long weekend and there was less than 30.

    There was 20 something I think around 24 or so.

    A certain amount of persons left for the long weekend.

    I was told the 8am had around 3 persons.

    I joined in 1982 when there were a good amount of persons.

    This period from 2002 until now has been very traumatic

    There used used to be around the 800, 900, 1000 range as far as Sunday attendance is concerned

    At the Oakridge Adventist Church on Baille & W37th is where the congregation that left St John’s Shaughnessy attends.

    The attendance is around the same as St John’s used to be.

    I think that there are around 800 or so persons attending the new location on a Sunday.

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