Atheists whine for government support

An atheist convention in Melbourne has sold out:

AN ATHEIST convention in Melbourne has sold out six weeks before it opens despite no aid from any level of government, organisers said yesterday.

Convention organiser and Atheist Foundation of Australia president David Nicholls said the state government had ”stabbed the people of Victoria in the back” by not helping, forcing organisers to hire smaller venues.

It is a mystery why atheists feel entitled to support from taxpayers, particularly when one of the speakers is Peter Singer, professor of bioethics at Princeton University. Singer is a utilitarian whose notion of “ethics” would be more at home in a Nazi eugenics lab than in a civilised society. Among other things, he approves of killing disabled babies, euthanasia for those he regards as mentally deficient and  recreational bestiality.

Singer is, effectively, Dawkins unmasked.

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